This is a mainly a list of links to notes that others took and a few of my own notes from Ember Conf.
Some Great Write Ups:
- What’s coming in ember in 2014 (Not Ember Conf, but very helpful)
- Brian Cardarella – “Ember Conf picks up where the Rails community left off”
- Conference summary by Kurt MacDonald on Github
- Nearly 400 pics from day 1 of Emberconf delivered in an Ember app, natch.
- Emberconf 2014 Notes from Michael Chan
- Emberconf 2014 notes from Herman J. Radtke III (@hermanradtke)
- We are EmberConf 2014 from Bill Heaton
- Allison Sheren – “Other Great Things I Learned At EmberConf”
Keynote by Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale
Slides from the EmberConf keynote
- “Having the right thing be default is not a small tweak. It’s the difference between being productive and not being productive.” — Yehuda Katz (@wycats)
- “The fact is that the flexibiltiy we think we need, that we want – we really don’t. I think the conclusion is that we’re not as special and unique as we like to believe.” — David Heinemeier Hansson (@dhh)
- Flows are just as important to good interfaces as individual screens are.” — Ryan Singer (@rjs)
- It’s important that an open source community consist of individuals of diverse backgrounds.
- The web is important because it’s a highly capable platform that is owned by nobody. — Yehuda Katz (@wycats)
Skylight – a new product coming from Tilde to monitor and analyze performance in your Ember.js application.
Using Ember to Make the Seemingly Impossible Easy by André Malan and Heyjin Kim</h2>
- #D3JS + #EmberJS Component for Data Visualization by (@heyjinkim)
- Reusable D3 Charts with Ember Components by Heyjin Kim
- Why we use D3 and Ember for Data Visualization
Contributing to Ember The Inside Scoop by Robert Jackson (@rwjblue)
- Don’t post security issues on GitHub. Instead email [email protected].

How do you know which features are currently enabled in ember.js? Check features.json.

Ember.js commit prefixes

Contributing Ember.js doc prefixes.
Ember Data and the Way Forward by Igor Terzic
Ember Data 1.0 is coming very soon!
- Ember data returns objects or collections that mixin the promise proxy mixin.
- In the future there will be an easy way to implement lazy arrays and all relationships will be promisified
No more `grunt watch`: Modern build workflows with Broccoli by Jo Liss (@jo_liss)
- “Broccoli loves Grunt. Grunt is a task runner, not a build tool.” — (@jo_liss)
- Broccoli: First Beta Release
Animations and Transitions in an Ember App by Edward Faulkner
- willTransition handler for performing a “mobile app like” parent child slide animation.
- Made a philosophical point about animated UIs and spatial reasoning. Memory palace technique
Ember Components Transclude My Directives by John Paul (@johnkpaul)
- Angular transclude == Ember yield.
Modeling the App Store and iTunes with Ember Data by Jeremy Mack (@mutewinter)
- Cool project but not open source. Can be found here: Can attempt to look at the source if you want to see how he did it.</p>
- Tapas with Ember on Github
- Using fast click
- Gist from Yehuda Katz on HTMLBars **** This is important. Helps explain some cross over from RxJS and Reactive
- HTMLbars eliminates <script> tags, {{bindAttr}}, and gives Ember the fastest bound templates on the planet.
- HtmlBars no more script tags and performant over large lists.
- Almost ready
- ic components from Instructure
- @ryanflorence has a way to distribute Ember Components easily to npm and bower! My JSP taglib dreams might be possible.
- “Ember makes the wrong thing hard and the right thing easy.” — @ryanflorence
- “I think of productivity as how many questions can I not be asked by my team if my code makes sense.” — @ryanflorence
- Ember CLI on Github
- Ember-CLI as a cow-path that load-balances problem solving.
- If you want to use Ember cli and you have used Ember Tools in the past you’ll have to remove Ember tools before installing cli.
- Use ES6 modules and end the holy wars.
- Talked to several people who are using it now. I setup a project and everything worked great (after I removed Ember Tools).
- In the Bay area youth ages 16-19 African American unemployment is at 38% and SouthEast Asian is 54%
- @devarispbrown show that kids can understand and use complex concepts given good teaching, resources, and tools that empower.
- @wycats: So inspired by @devarispbrown’s story at about teaching kids to code using Ember.js.
Real “real world” problems. Rebecca and Kai built app to notify food is available at local food banks.
Michelle full ride scholarship,CS major, resurrected CS club. Congrats!
On a slightly related note this came through from Cable Green (@cgreen) at Creative Commons at about the same time:
“Accommodating +105 mil students would require > 4 major universities (30,000 students) to open every week”
Universities are becoming crowded. Programs like those from DeVaris Brown can reach those who might not have opportunities via traditional educational channels.
Ember Components by Alex Matchneer (@machty)
- Query parameters still coming
- Query parameters are harder than you think
- Query parameters will save us all
Example of model dependent state.
The Unofficial, Official Ember Testing Guide by Eric Berry
- There’s a stigma around Ember testing that it’s hard. It’s not, it’s unknown.” — @coderberry
@coderberry from @instructure presents on testing Ember apps
- @coderberry’s Initial PR for ember testing guide redux.
- Unit tested dependent-select-fields! JS Bin</li>
- Unit Testing Components JS Bin
- JohnKPaul Component JS Bin
- Example of Unit Testing a ED Model JS Bin
- (@ryanflorence)’s Ember qunit library.
Convergent/Divergent by Christopher Meiklejohn (@cmeik)
- “You are building a distributed system”. Great to think all that theory applies to Ember
- Readings in distributed systems
Controlling Route Traversal with Flows by Nathan Hammond
Snappy Means Happy: Performance in Ember Apps by Matthew Beale
- Observers in Ember.js are synchronous and fire immediately. Use setProperties or to optimize.
- Apps to simulate network latency:
Performance by numbers by Ilya Grigorik
- Free, online version of High-Performance Browser Networking (Legal) by Ilya Grigorik
- Practical Ember.js advice: Use replaceWith instead of transitionTo to prevent pollution of the user’s browser history
Keynote by Dave Herman (@littlecalculist)
- “This is a community that cares about quality, thoughtfulness, design and cares about each other.”
Other Stuff
- emberFire from Firebase
- Digital Ocean Hosting (My affiliate link. Always need more credits)
Ember Developers on Twitter:
- Gustin
- Christopher Sexton
- Ashish Dixit
- @wagenet
- @trianglegrrl
- @EmberConf
- @rjs
- @heyjinkim
- @ramcio
- @caretpi
- @johnkpaul
- @ryanflorence
- @caretpi
- @shawndumas
- @andrewle
- @wycats
- @devarispbrown
- @Stefania_druga
- @coderberry
- @aaronshaf
- @ramcio
- @machty
- @nathanhammond
- @mixonic
- @shawndumas
- @tomdale
- @ag_dubs
- @johnkpaul
- @BezoMaxo
- @bantic
- @ahaurw01
- @tomdale
- @shawndumas
- @_jayphelps
- @hermanradtke
- @jayunit
- @josephgentle
- @substack
- @kamalasaurus
HTMLBars—The Next-Generation of Templating in Ember.js by Erik Bryn (@ebryn) and Kris Selden (@krisselden)
The {%raw %}{{x-foo}}{% endraw %} in You by Ryan Florence
@ryanflorence flies a drone with his {% raw %}{{x-foo}}{% endraw %} component at 2014
Ember CLI by Stef Penner (@stefanpenner)
Ember is for the Children by DeVaris Brown