I turned 34 yesterday. I assume you’ll ask why I didn’t write this yesterday and my response is it was my birthday why the hell should I have to do anymore work than just get out of bed? I’ve come to enjoy my birthday less. It is a marker that indicates my body no longer…
Category: Jenna

We went to the happiest place on earth, now we’re off on a family vacation to the stinkiest place on Earth – Yellowstone. Like the Earth’s anus this place belches the nastiest gas you have ever smelled. The girls love it, but hold their noses a lot. I am good with it except for the…
Jenna Again
Nature calls to Jenna frequently in the middle of the night. The other night she got up used the facilities and then went back to bed. If the kids so much as cough Callie wakes up so of course she was awake for this event. After Jenna had gone back to her room she came…
All the Dinosaurs are Killed
The other night I am trying to get Jenna to go to bed which is not easy to do. I almost get here there when she sits up and says, “Dad I want to tell you something.” I say, “OK”. She says, “all the t-rexs are killed.” Then she says, “a meteor came and killed…
Jenna-isms Again
My kids are good for the most part. They really are. However, I have no idea what goes through Jenna’s mind. Here is the latest from her: We were headed to dinner Saturday night and I found her wandering the house with one shoe. She told me, “I have a missing shoe. I know where…
So Jenna is still two – almost three, but her brain has parts that must be more like 20. Callie was taking Aubrey and Alyssa to preschool the other day. Jenna goes too since you can’t just leave a two year old home alone. On the way a bunch of cows had gotten out and…
More From Jenna
More from Jenna. I walk past her room the other night and I hear, “I like Aubrey and I like Alyssa and I like Jenna, but I don’t like mommy or daddy. They are mean to me.”
Jenna talks herself to sleep
Two nights ago I walk past Jenna’s room. She is in there chatting up a storm. It is around 11pm and I hear, “I am not tired. Someone who is not tired is someone who is not asleep.” She is funny.
Kids can keep you up at night
Alyssa and Aubrey have slept really well ever since they were about 6 months old which is good since they are twins and if they had not slept well they would have kept each other awake and that could have been bad for us. Jenna on the other hand is now two and still doesn’t…