There’s real information on the BuddyPress site today. I am so excited. This is one of the first steps towards easy to create, distributed social networks. Hopefully it is as easy to extend as WordPress.
Category: Web2.0
A Killer iPhone App
I am not great at meeting people especially at conferences. However, the biggest reason to attend a conference is to meet people. (If you think you are paying $1500 to learn about how Rails routes work then its time to rethink your life.) iPhones may not be ubiquitous yet, but they are popular enough that…
Journal Writing Sucks, Blogging is Cool
The LDS cultural has encouraged personal history and journal writing since its inception. Ever since then the vast majority of the members have ignored this council and the overall level of guilt among the LDS faithful has continued to rise as each successive generation followed the example of the previous. Technology now provides some relief…
Niche Communities
Over the past few months I have talked quite a bit with Joel about online communities and about what philosophically makes a community. I think it is a group of individuals who collectively are interesting in something and need tools to facilitate communication and production of some artifact(s). The way the community interacts to make…
Connected Communities
When Digg was new I spent plenty of time following the latest news ‘dugg’ up by the community. Now I rarely go back. Somewhere along the line Digg became an online Frat house and I am no longer interested in the 10 ten latest shocking things or in hearing about Scientology or in seeing pictures…
Disposable Communities
I had a great chat with Brian Lamb yesterday. He and his team are working to use WordPress to support learning communities at UBC. In case anyone else is sick of WebCT, Blackboard or the boring Moodle interface this could provide an interesting replacement. Anyway, as we were talking it made me realize that it…
Content Connected to Geography
Marion has been working on this idea of connecting information to a location for quite some idea now. WhereIGo has made some of the technology that is needed to make it happen available. If you haven’t read about where the future of information is headed check it out.
Note to Facebook, Myspace and Other Social Silos: DIE
I wrote three Facebook apps and I have ideas for several more. The most successful was the House Plans application I did for, but in the Facebook world you can’t count a couple thousand users as especially successful. When Open Social started up I felt like I needed to go sign up for a…

Utah WordPress Meetup
I spent this afternoon with some really cool and interesting individuals from around utah. Matt Mullenweg, the original developer of WordPress was in town and was willing to come and hang out, each lunch and chat for a couple of hours about anything. Matt is a very cool guy not only because he created the…
Government 2.0
I really and truly heard the term Government 2.0 on the radio this morning. I shuddered and it wasn’t from the cold. However, I listened to the broadcast anyway despite my disgust at hearing that our government was now being tagged with version labels. (Shouldn’t we be on something more like government 232.0 or something…