One year ago today I trashed my knee while riding up Blacksmith Fork Canyon after running over a rattlesnake. This is how my knee looked then: My leg is straight so it is harder to see, but if I bend it you can see the tendons and this is how it looks now: I’m just…
Month: August 2009
Updating Genlighten from Rails 2.2.2 to Rails 2.3.2
I can’t resist new stuff so I’m updating Genlighten to Rails 2.3.2. This release comes with some pretty sweet additions like Rack. Here’s what I had to do: Set RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘2.3.2’ (easy) Removed stuff like this from my code: protect_from_forgery :except => :swfupload session :cookie_only => false, :only => :swfupload </pre> — ‘The :digest…
Family Trip Day One
Day one of the annual Ball family trip is now complete. We started the day by taking a long time to pack as usual and yelling at the kids. The first stop was the train museum in Ogden at which point my son, who loves trains, nearly exploded. We had lunch at Adventure Cakes which…
Rubyforge and no configured for
I’ve been using jeweler to setup a new gem. I followed the instructions provided, but started getting “ configured for “ when I tried to do release my gem with “rake rubyforge:release”. It turns out that the rubyforge gem doesn’t quite configure everything for you. I added the following to ~/.rubyforge/autoconfig.yml and it started working:…
to_json gives TypeError Exception: wrong argument type Hash (expected Data)
Tonight for no apparent reason my tests started turning up this error whenever I tried to call to_json: TypeError Exception: wrong argument type Hash (expected Data) </pre> Specifically, my to_json call looked like this: respond_to do |format| format.js { render :json => @states.to_json(:only => [:id, :name]) } end </pre> In the debugger .to_json worked but…