We are headed to Salt Lake this friday for a wedding (yuck). However, I am thinking that this will provide and opportunity to go to my new favorite bike shop (Contender Bikes yeeeah). I am reminded of our last trip down. I don’t like driving along the Wasatch front (Salt Lake area). It feels like you are going to battle. You must be on high alert at all times and watch for jerks just ready to cut you off or run you down. I sound like an old man. Anyway my stress level is already high while I am driving which makes me grouchy and I really do feel like my car should be equiped with various armaments because some of these people really ought to be removed from the gene pool. Did I mention that I was grouchy when I drive down yonder?
So last time we are driving and my wife yells.
This scares the hell out of me because I figure we are about to die. I just know that the semi to my right is moving right into us.
She continues yelling, “that guy. Driving the car next to us. Just picked a booger, and ATE IT!!”
I almost hurl.
Driving down there is an interesting experience.