I’m not the first one to make the move from WordPress to Jekyll. While I have been a proponent of WordPress in the past I finally grew tired of writing my posts in a tiny little box. I grew tired of a slow website (arguably that’s Bluehost’s fault not WordPress). WordPress has all kinds of…
Author: Justin
jqXHR Returning Readystate 0 and Status 0?
I’ve seen this error a couple of times and I always forget what causes it so for my own sanity I post it here. If you make an Ajax request and the response comes back with: statusText: “error” status: 0 readyState: 0 then you likely have one of two problems: 1. You are making a…
Delete button != Back button
I’m not sure who decided that the delete button would make a great back button in a web browser but they need to have their keyboard license revoked. After filling out a lengthy online form today I messed up some text and thinking that the text field had focus I pressed delete since that’s how…
Font Awesome (or any other webfont in production)
If you are using Twitter Bootstrap then it’s likely you’re also using Font Awesome. If not you need to check it out. We ran into a problem after deploying to production that we didn’t observe in development – namely that none of the Font Awesome icons would show up under Firefox. Turns you you need…

Kids these days
When I was a kid we watched TV on a 20” screen that weighed 600 pounds, output 480i (the antithesis of HD TV) and only provided very fuzzy, analog network channels. Howe we wished for a big screen TV. They were the size of a VW bug, 480i and still only provided fuzzy analog. Of…

Macademia Nut Pancakes, Rain and the Polynesian Culture Center
I hear it rains a lot in Hawaii in the winter. However, we are favored by the gods (probably because of all the times we visited the Tiki Room at Disneyland), and so we only had one day of major rain. I guess Mondays are like that even in Hawaii. Every day should begin with…

On the last day we did not rest, at all, on the plane
Last year when we planned this trip we opted to take a red eye back so we could spend the last day so we booked a flight that left at 10pm. We spent the last day hanging out at the beach at Ko Olina. While at the beach snorkeling and hanging out we had no…

Pearl Harbor
Sunday we visited Pearl Harbor. It’s a sobering place. Of course I’ve spent my life learning about the history, but a visit is very touching and helps remind you of the cost of the freedoms we take for granted. Tears of the Arizona. About 500,000 gallons of oil remain. Parts of the Arizona remain above…

Aloha Stadium Swap Meet and Waikiki Beach
Saturday and Sunday there’s a flea market at Aloha Stadium. We chose to visit Saturday. It’s a great place to buy souvenirs to bring home. As you walk around the stadium there’s a continual repeat of booths selling bags, jewelery, board shorts and bikinis, but scattered amongst the repeats are a few gems. I found…

Mountain Biking Oahu
Friday I managed to get some mountain biking in. Years ago I read about mountain biking in Hawaii and how awesome it was. It is awesome, but I don’t remember reading about getting an ass kicking in the article. Oahu is beautiful and the mountain biking was a fun challenge, but tree roots and mud…