Every Saturday in Logan and I am sure in towns all across the country there is a small market where locals can sell their wares. We are slow an Saturdays so we rarely make it before the market closes at noon. Today however, we finally made it (11:30). Smaller markets filled with locals are a far more interesting and entertaining shopping experience. Instead of walking down isles filled with produce that has been shipped from around the world you talk to the people who grew the stuff you are going to eat. They share recipes and ideas. They are proud of the fact that they grew it and you want it.
The food is healthy and since it didn’t require large trucks to move it across several states it is environmentally friendly. The park where they hold the market is filled with bicycles. I have to love that. If there is one close to you I recommend the visit. It is a great community event. The people are friendly. I think if more places were made up of community spaces where people could interact – as apposed to asphalt channels filled with the smog and heat and metal walls of SUVs – people would be happier and more connected.
At any rate my lunch for today came from the market. I bought bread, basil, apple mint, oregano, swiss chard, armenian cucumber and raspberry jam. I did add some store bought turkey when I got home but the combination of items made an excellent sandwich.
I love the farmer’s market.