Some people deserve to live forever yet on this beautiful Autumn day we spent the day with family celebrating a life beautifully lived and saying goodbye to Grami Del. She is in so many ways what I hope to grow up to be. She was unfailingly kind to everyone. She loved family and loved to surround herself with family. She ran the business that she and Papa Dick started until she sold it at the age of 92. She held an enormous Thanksgiving feast every year starting in 1978 until just a few years ago. At Christmas every year her home was filled with enormous Christmas trees covered in spectacular ornaments. The Christmas party held every year on the 26th December never stopped until the Pandemic prevented us from gathering in the Christmas of 2020. She loved family, taught the importance of family and loved to have family gatherings. She taught me to eat radish sandwiches, made the best rye bread and introduced me to grilled cheese and pickles. For us it is a sad day. For her I’m sure the day of her passing was a wondrous day to be reunited with the love of her life, my grandfather, after being separated by his death for 18 years and with my Aunt Dawn and Uncle Rich who both left this mortal journey too soon. We will miss her and always remember her.