After spending the last year writing Ember.js code I’ve realized one really big thing – Ember is about promises.
I recently had a chance to refactor some code with a number of asynchrounous calls. The original logic used
timers and polling to monitor the state of a bunch of recursive calls to the Google API to retrieve a complete
folder structure. Timers get the job done, but promises make it elegant.
Original Code
Requirement: wait until the entire tree is loaded before transition.
App.GoogleFile = Ember.Object.extend({ }); App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ var model = App.GoogleFile.create({ id: $('meta[name="google-folder-id"]').attr('content'); children: Ember.ArrayProxy.create({content: []}) }); this.loadChildren(model.get('children')); return model; }, afterModel: function(transition){ if(transition.targetName == "application.index"){ this.wait(model.get('children'), function(){ this.transitionTo('anotherPlace'); }); } }, // Waiting for content to load using a timer. wait: function(children, callback){ if(Ember.isEmpty(children)){, function () { this.wait(children); }, 10); } else { callback(children); } }, loadChildren: function(node){ var token = $('meta[name="google-access-token"]').attr('content'); var query = encodeURIComponent('"' + node.get('id') + '" in parents'); $.get('' + query + '&access_token=' + token, function(data){ data.items.forEach(function(item){ var f = App.GoogleFile.create({ name: item.title, id:, icon: item.iconLink, mime: item.mimeType, embed: item.embedLink, edit: item.alternateLink, children: Ember.ArrayProxy.create({content: []}) }); if(item.mimeType === "application/"){ this.loadChildren(f); } node.get('children').pushObject(f); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } }); </pre>
The Refactored Code
App = Ember.Application.create({ }); App.GoogleFile = Ember.Object.extend({ }); App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ var model = App.GoogleFile.create({ id: $('meta[name="google-folder-id"]').attr('content');, children: Ember.ArrayProxy.create({content: []}) }); return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ this.loadChildren(model, resolve, reject); }.bind(this)); }, // The afterModel won't fire until the promise is fullfilled. afterModel: function(transition){ if(transition.targetName == "application.index"){ this.transitionTo('anotherPlace'); } }, loadChildren: function(node, resolve, reject){ var token = $('meta[name="google-access-token"]').attr('content'); var query = encodeURIComponent('"' + node.get('id') + '" in parents'); // Don't resolve the promise when the ajax call returns. We have to process the data and decide if we need to make more calls. $.get('' + query + '&access_token=' + token, function(data){ var promises = []; data.items.forEach(function(item){ var f = App.GoogleFile.create({ name: item.title, id:, icon: item.iconLink, mime: item.mimeType, embed: item.embedLink, edit: item.alternateLink, children: Ember.ArrayProxy.create({content: []}) }); if(item.mimeType === "application/"){ // We need to make more ajax calls. Create a new promise which can be resposible for // resolving existing promises once it is fullfilled. var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ this.loadChildren(f, resolve, reject); }.bind(this)); promises.push(promise); } node.get('children').pushObject(f); }.bind(this)); Promise.all(promises).then(function(){ resolve(node); }); }.bind(this)); } }); </pre>