Wikinomics – new book. How mass collaboration changes everything. “After the dot com boom many traditional companies breathed a sign of relief. Big mistake.” After the bubble comes the long term deployment and the long term change. Web 1.0 was about html. Web 2.0 is about integration and the web is a computational platform. Web is for programmability. Every picture you upload every blog post is programming the giant web computer. Ambient intelligence – the physical world becomes smart. Why does the firm exist – transaction cost (collaboration cost, the cost to find and coordinate all the right people).
Networks make the boundaries of the corporation more porous and now companies outsource things that are not part of their core values.
Self-organization happens quickly now because of the interconnection of network.
Goldcorp challenge – 5k for anyone who could find gold on any of the companies properties. They released their most secure geological data and asked the community to solve their problem. They spent 500k and found 3.4 billion in gold by relying on the community.
The many can be as smart as the few. Wikipedia deleted the entry on wikinomics within one hour after a debate. To the dismay of the author.
Innocentive – let’s you outsource your R&D to the world.
Prosumption – consumer creates your product like in second life.
Pikspot – next youtube.
Boeing 787 peer produced airplane created without a spec and without a traditional supply chain.
BestBuy uses geek squad and wikis to produce new technology.