Failed high school got a diploma because the army wanted him to go to Vietnam. Be careful who you listen to. They started their filing to go public then pulled it a week later. It costs 3 million dollars. Parsons called this the “Tuition for the education of Bob.”
People love the convenience and speed that comes with interacting with each other over the Internet. When it comes to resolving problems people prefer to deal with other people.
Of their 1300 employees 920 of them are in customer support. They focus on customer support. The suits wanted him to find a way to dump and cut parts of customer support. Godaddy has no debt and has never had any debt except for the mortgage on one data center. They are self-funded.
Focus on advertising that is edgy and different if not offensive. Their super bowl ad was rejected but then viewed on the Internet by far more people than the one on TV. He bought two ads. The first one showed and offended someone. The second ad was pulled. The controversy resulted in a giant increase in business. The ad is now used as an example of one of the most successful ads in the history of advertising.
They sponsored pod casters and let them create their own ads. They ended up with edgy and weird ads, but each ad was tailored to the audience for each podcaster.