This session is totally packed. We managed to sneak in. The door guys don’t like that much. If there is a fire we will all die.
Adam Keys is funny and entertaining
“If you want to learn from the masters you have to read their code.”
Read code because “you’re surrounded by idiots.”
When you read Rails code start in the routes. You can look in the url to see where you are and then go to routes to figure out where the code is.
He is giving ideas for where to start and which parts of the app you should look at.
My complaint about this conference is still that the sessions aren’t as advanced as I would like. I would love to see a session like we had at the Mountain West Ruby conference. Jamis Buck and Marcel Molina Jr. went through some code in front of everyone (our ozmozr code actually) and pointed out everything that was wrong. It was a great learning opportunity.
The main point of this talk is basically that you should be taking commonly used, well developed code – plugins, rake, core Rails code etc and read through it. Seems obvious but it really does make sense.