Harvest’s Chosen select control is handy for cleaning up unwieldy or
horribly long select boxes. It’s a nice little bit of UI sugar that can help make your users happier and we all like
happy users right?. Ember.js is now our Javascript framework of choice but it doesn’t
always play well with other libraries and plugins – at least not without messsing around with it for a bit.
There are others out there that want to
use Chosen in their Ember application. I tweaked the last bit of code in this
StackOverflow question a bit
to produce a working view that extends Ember.Select.
Here’s gist of the code and here’s the code:
App.Chosen = Ember.Select.extend({ multiple: false, width: '95%', disableSearchThreshold: 10, searchContains: true, attributeBindings:['multiple', 'width', 'disableSearchThreshold', 'searchContains'], didInsertElement: function(){ this._super(); var options = { multiple: this.get('multiple'), width: this.get('width'), disable_search_threshold: this.get('disableSearchThreshold'), search_contains: this.get('searchContains') }; options.clean_search_text = this.cleanSearchText; options.calling_context = this; if(this.get('multiple')){ options.placeholder_text_multiple = this.get('prompt'); } else { options.placeholder_text_single = this.get('prompt'); } this.$().chosen(options); // observes for new changes on options to trigger an update on Chosen return this.addObserver(this.get("optionLabelPath").replace(/^content/, "content.@each"), function() { return this.rerenderChosen(); }); }, _closeChosen: function(){ // trigger escape to close chosen this.$().next('.chosen-container-active').find('input').trigger({type:'keyup', which:27}); }, cleanSearchText: function(option, context){ return option.text; }, rerenderChosen: function(){ // Don't trigger Chosen update until after DOM elements have finished rendering. Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function(){ this.$().trigger('chosen:updated'); }); } }); </pre>
UPDATE - The ember script tags will show up in the search which is not something you want. I had to modify the chosen.js source code for a solution. Luckily it is pretty simple:
Gist of chosen.jquery.js modified to include the clean_search_text method.
In the AbstractChosen.prototype.set_default_values method I added an option for a clean_search_text method. You can add this method to your own code and then cleanup the search text to be whatever you like ie remove script tags. The method I used is cleanSearchText in the code above. Notice that I pass it to chosen with "options.clean_search_text = this.cleanSearchText;"
AbstractChosen.prototype.set_default_values = function() { var _this = this; this.click_test_action = function(evt) { return _this.test_active_click(evt); }; this.activate_action = function(evt) { return _this.activate_field(evt); }; // MODIFIED - Added clean_search_text method so that the caller can clean up the search text this.clean_search_text = this.options.clean_search_text || function(option){ return option.html; }; this.calling_context = this.options.calling_context; this.active_field = false; this.mouse_on_container = false; this.results_showing = false; this.result_highlighted = null; this.result_single_selected = null; this.allow_single_deselect = (this.options.allow_single_deselect != null) && (this.form_field.options[0] != null) && this.form_field.options[0].text === "" ? this.options.allow_single_deselect : false; this.disable_search_threshold = this.options.disable_search_threshold || 0; this.disable_search = this.options.disable_search || false; this.enable_split_word_search = this.options.enable_split_word_search != null ? this.options.enable_split_word_search : true; this.group_search = this.options.group_search != null ? this.options.group_search : true; this.search_contains = this.options.search_contains || false; this.single_backstroke_delete = this.options.single_backstroke_delete != null ? this.options.single_backstroke_delete : true; this.max_selected_options = this.options.max_selected_options || Infinity; this.inherit_select_classes = this.options.inherit_select_classes || false; this.display_selected_options = this.options.display_selected_options != null ? this.options.display_selected_options : true; return this.display_disabled_options = this.options.display_disabled_options != null ? this.options.display_disabled_options : true; }; </pre>
In the AbstractChosen.prototype.results_option_build method I had to add a conditional where it says MODIFIED:
AbstractChosen.prototype.results_option_build = function(options) { var content, data, _i, _len, _ref; content = ''; _ref = this.results_data; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { data = _ref[_i]; // MODIFIED. Don't include the place holder text in the drop down or in searches. if(data.text != this.options.placeholder_text_single && data.text != this.options.placeholder_text_multiple){ if (data.group) { content += this.result_add_group(data); } else { content += this.result_add_option(data); } if (options != null ? options.first : void 0) { if (data.selected && this.is_multiple) { this.choice_build(data); } else if (data.selected && !this.is_multiple) { this.single_set_selected_text(data.text); } } } } return content; }; </pre>
Last add the call to clean the search text inside the AbstractChosen.prototype.winnow_results method. Look for MODIFIED in the code below for the method call.
AbstractChosen.prototype.winnow_results = function() { var escapedSearchText, option, regex, regexAnchor, results, results_group, searchText, startpos, text, zregex, _i, _len, _ref; this.no_results_clear(); results = 0; searchText = this.get_search_text(); escapedSearchText = searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); regexAnchor = this.search_contains ? "" : "^"; regex = new RegExp(regexAnchor + escapedSearchText, 'i'); zregex = new RegExp(escapedSearchText, 'i'); _ref = this.results_data; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; option.search_match = false; results_group = null; if (this.include_option_in_results(option)) { if (option.group) { option.group_match = false; option.active_options = 0; } if ((option.group_array_index != null) && this.results_data[option.group_array_index]) { results_group = this.results_data[option.group_array_index]; if (results_group.active_options === 0 && results_group.search_match) { results += 1; } results_group.active_options += 1; } if (!(option.group && !this.group_search)) { // MODIFIED added clean_search_text option.search_text = option.group ? option.label : this.clean_search_text(option, this.calling_context); option.search_match = this.search_string_match(option.search_text, regex); if (option.search_match && !option.group) { results += 1; } if (option.search_match) { if (searchText.length) { startpos = option.search_text.search(zregex); text = option.search_text.substr(0, startpos + searchText.length) + '</em>' + option.search_text.substr(startpos + searchText.length); option.search_text = text.substr(0, startpos) + '' + text.substr(startpos); } if (results_group != null) { results_group.group_match = true; } } else if ((option.group_array_index != null) && this.results_data[option.group_array_index].search_match) { option.search_match = true; } } } } this.result_clear_highlight(); if (results < 1 && searchText.length) { this.update_results_content(""); return this.no_results(searchText); } else { this.update_results_content(this.results_option_build()); return this.winnow_results_set_highlight(); } }; </pre></code>