Since we are newbs there are various introductory talks.
Conference Feedback/Collaboration
Aggregation of identity blogs –
Kaliya Hamlin gave a brief introduction using this map.
Protect applications from identity complexities
Allow digital identity to be loosely coupled
User controlled and user centered
Identity doesn’t make sense if locked into one system.
Identity is like TCP/IP we need a unified system that can be used and shared by all.
He is showing a demo of Card Space. This lets you use cards that come from different identity providers. What is cool is that the software makes it easy. What sucks is that you have to install client software to make it work. However, Vista will have it and I would guess that it will show up in a Microsoft update.
“Privacy is security from the point of view of the individual”
Some Java code that does SAML complies with Shibboleth
David Recordon(Verisign used to work at Six Apart) – OpenID 1.0
- Free protocol
- Not a service or company
- Simple (doesn’t look so simple to me)
- Survives if companies die or become evil
OpenID 2.0
- Convergence with XRI, LID and SXIP (DIX)
- Multiple protocols
- discovery Yadis
- Authtication 2.0
- Data Transport Protocol
- Attribute exchange Extension
- Assertion Quality Extension
- Simple Registration Extension
Scott Kveton CEO of janrain
Free libraries on
Eugene Kim – Blue Oxen Identity Commons(wiki) I listened to this talk, and it was fairly long. However, the only thing I think he actually said was Identity Commons will provide a good ‘symbol’ for identifiying the identity community.