I have been a programmer for a few years. During that time I went
from “Bill Gates is the antiChrist” to Microsoft isn’t so bad to I just
don’t care give me money. Programmers are prostitutes. Give
us money and we do what you want. I love python, but I admit to
be a closet asp.net programmer. I believe in finding a solution
before adhering to ideology. Unless its my ideology.
Everyone should adhere to that.
After attending the Indigo (Windows communication thingy) lecture the
other night I realized how Microsoft stays the biggest software company
in the world. Their motto should be re-learn, re-learn, re-learn,
re-write, re-write, re-write. I went through the M$
initiation. I learned Win32, and MFC. I dealt with all the
ugliness. Then I learned Visual Basic and ASP. After that
along came .Net and I learned that. Then I learned about SOAP and
did some WSE stuff. Then I found out I needed to learn Indigo and
Avalon and BTW they are doing a rewrite in 2007 so I will have
something new and exciting to learn then. Whatever. I bet
all those companies that wrote thousands of lines of VB or MFC code
aren’t happy. All the guys writing C# code won’t be thrilled when
their boss shows up to say that they now have to use generics,
etc. Don’t get me wrong. Progress is good. Just don’t
make me rewrite the entire app in the name of “progress.”
In the mean time I have feelings of inadequecy. My house plan
site is written in that old, uncool ASP stuff. I should rewrite
it in ASP.Net so that I be in the in crowd again. If I want to be
really popular I should rewrite it in Python and use Mysql cause then
it will be “free”. Whatever. The server is bought.
The code is written. People use it. It works. That is
free. Free from re-writting. Free from re-buying.
Free to play Battlefield. I like being free.