When I was a kid we watched TV on a 20” screen that weighed 600 pounds, output 480i (the antithesis of HD TV) and only provided very fuzzy, analog network channels. Howe we wished for a big screen TV. They were the size of a VW bug, 480i and still only provided fuzzy analog. Of…
Category: Funny
During our trip to Southern California I realized that it’s not just Disneyland that is a wonderland, separate and distinct from the rest of the world, but most of Southern California. We pulled up to a stoplight in sporting the minivan complete with roof rack when seven Lamborghinis and one Ferrari pulled up kitty corner…
XMLHttpRequest status 0 and responseText is empty
I ran across a problem in the javascript for the OER Glue mashup process today that surprised me. We’re using backbone.js and so I had constructed a login form via one of the views. When the form was submitted I would create a session object and then attempt to save that to the server. The…

I Have One Quadrillion Dollars
Zimbabwe was the first country to issue a 100 Trillion dollar bill. I have ten which makes me a Quadrillionaire: Each bill is about 15 x 7.5 centimeters so 112.5 sq centimeters. That’s 1.12500 × 10 16 square nanometers (NM). The diameter of a gold atom is .288 nanometers so it would take 3.90625 x…
I Spent My Day With Hot, Young Girls
Well, at the first of the day they were cold young girls then we went to Bear Lake and it was pretty hot. My wife is girl’s camp director which means she gets to spend 6 months planning for a week long event. She is really good at what she does and it always goes…
What is in my Pants?
I have three daughters. They are moody and emotional but relatively non-violent unless they are playing with dolls together in which case they fight like cats. It actually reminds me of the news the day after Thanksgiving. Some woman has to have the toy, dress, whatever and decks some other woman. I guess they never…
Doggie Shed
We’re visiting my parents in Idaho for the weekend so that the kids can go to my grandmother’s house to hunt Easter eggs. It’s a long story that involves who can be in town when and cousins that are travelling to Texas and stuff. Anyway, the kids spent the day playing in the yard with…
Uses for banana
My two year old son has picked up an interesting habit of using ‘banana’ like the f-bomb. “I hate that! Banana you!”
Merry Christmas
Santa’s up a bit late this year (every year actually). Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Callie Found This…
We’re using this to teach our kids Chinese. Kind of funny how a word in one language sounds so much like words in another language: </param></param></param></embed>