One year ago today I trashed my knee while riding up Blacksmith Fork Canyon after running over a rattlesnake. This is how my knee looked then: My leg is straight so it is harder to see, but if I bend it you can see the tendons and this is how it looks now: I’m just…
Category: Cycling
First ride up Black Smith Fork canyon this season
The weather in Cache Valley finally improved and so I thought I better take advantage of the situation and ride. After last years run in with a rattle snake I told myself and my wife that I wouldn’t ride up there alone. My first ride, I couldn’t find anyone to go with. How smart am…
First ride of the season
I finally managed to get out and ride today. That is significant because it’s the first time I’ve been outside on a bike since August 22, 2008 – the day I ran over a rattlesnake and trashed my knee. So yea for me. Originally, I wasn’t going to go out and ride. I was going…
The Pro Bikers Don’t do This
I keep my bike on the trainer in my office during the winter. My son found a new use for my Madone: . It’s just a guess but I bet the pros don’t use sippy cups.
The drought of blog posts lately might reflect life in Cache Valley during the winter. The inversions in the valley trap the pollution so in addition to short days and long nights we have air so nasty you can taste it. Of course the local governments refuse to consider emissions testing. It’s more important that…
A Very Sexy Madone
Lance ‘s return to cycling is something that I am sure many people are watching with anticipation and curiosity. He is one of the greatest if not the greatest cyclist of all time. Personally, I like to see the equipment Trek is setting him up with. Here’s a few links to pictures of his new…
New Diet
I now weigh 165lbs which means I’ve lost 5lbs. The secret to my diet success is what I like to think of as the consultant stress plan. If you want to loose weight I highly recommend it. It is a simple combination of not sleeping and not eating. You’ll be thinner in no time.
More Stuff You Shouldn’t Hit on a Bike
Just ran into this: I guess after hitting a rattle snake on the bike you start to see all the other awful things you can hit on a bike. Glad to hear this guy was OK. A few years ago during Lotoja a guy hit a deer coming down one of the mountain passes….
My Bike Wreck Could Have Been Worse
Instead of a snake this guy had a branch flip up and go through his leg. The pictures are gruesome enough to make me want to hurl and make my accident look like a little scratch. Click only if you have a strong constitution.
Trek Project One Launched?
Now that my current bike is a few months old my attention turns once again to bike adultery. I keep reading that the new Project One site is up, but when I visit the site I still get the old system. Perhaps they are keeping me from expensive sin?