I love subversion. It is handy for all kinds of development. I needed an easier way to update WordPress on my Bluehost account. I tried the standard compile methods but kept running into errors. The problem I ran into was that the server my account runs on is a 64bit machine. I gave up until…
Author: Justin
WordPress Multiuser
I have a couple of blogs – this one and some family ones. Since WordPress updates their code fairly often it has become a royal pain to manage all of them. I debated setting up sym links so that I wouldn’t have to deploy the code in several directories. I even found someone doing just…
WordPress Multiuser Extensions
I didn’t just want to setup a WordPress Multiuser site. I also wanted to be able to use multiple domains. Here’s the plugin to make that happen. Setting up the multi site manager plugin might not be obvious. Here’s some more information about the plugin. That’s everything you’ll need.
secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call
My code was running fine under Rails 2.0.2. Then I enabled the db based session store by uncommenting this: config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store </pre> in environment.rb. Anything that used the session after that gave me this error: No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own…
OER Code Sprint
We are at the end of the second day of the OER code sprint. This has been a great time feels quite a bit different than the higher level OER meetings I have attended. The first few hours of the first day were spent chatting, but after that I think that quite a bit of…
Payday Lenders Suck
I was just reading in the Deseret News this morning that payday lenders have filed 27,000 lawsuits in the State of Utah since 2005. In the Provo judicial district this account for 81% of the total lawsuits. It is bad enough that these places prey on the poor with 500% interest loans. It is yet…
On the way back from Salt Lake we stopped at Target because we always do – there isn’t one in Logan. Target is a more interesting shopping experience than Walmart. Target has stuff that is more cosmopolitan than us country bumpkins be gettin at Wally World. One of the things they have, that I love…

Utah WordPress Meetup
I spent this afternoon with some really cool and interesting individuals from around utah. Matt Mullenweg, the original developer of WordPress was in town and was willing to come and hang out, each lunch and chat for a couple of hours about anything. Matt is a very cool guy not only because he created the…
The Liahona Makes Wired
Wired has an article that lists History’s Greatest Gadgets. Included is The Baghdad Battery, the Antikythera Computer, a very cool Seamless Globe and The Turk (chess machine). It also includes the Ark of the Covenant and get this, the Liahona.
Weather Control
I am not sure if this is cool or totally freaky, but the Chinese have figured out how to kind of control the weather so that it doesn’t rain on the Olympics this summer. All this time I thought it was the Japanese Mafia that was controlling the weather.