We are looking at ways to integrate the new Teachers Without Borders site with Google docs. Turns out that you can open: documents – .pdf, .doc, .txt, .html, .rtf and .odt spreadsheets – .xls, .csv, .ods presentations – .ppt By feeding the file url to this google url: http://docs.google.com/?DocAction=updoc&formsubmitted=true&uploadURL=DOCUMENT_URL Here’s an example if you needed…
Month: August 2008
Found Some Stuff
I managed to find my riding glasses and my bike computer today. Neither were cheap, but it is interesting how little you care about that stuff when there is a gaping hole in your leg. I left both in the van when my wife took me to the hospital. I wasn’t sure if I had…
Appreciate the Little Things
I took sort of an actual bath today. I love to shower so it really stinks that I have to find alternate means to clean up. I managed to sit in the bath and shower off a bit this morning without getting my wound wet or bending my knee. It was a pain but better…
Ways to Not Make Use of Your Health Insurance – Cyclist vs. Rattlesnake
Over the years I have seen a couple of bike wrecks. In one the rider’s frame was snapped in half and he took a LOT of skin off his back. It was a good thing he had a helmet. It cracked, but probably saved his head. The other wreck was the Cache Valley Century. At…
Something to Think About
My wife took the girls to Ogden today. While driving through the canyon the driver in front of here was driving erratic and she noticed that their hands moved a lot. When she got to Brigham City she discovered that the people in the car in front of her were speaking in sign language. Something…
Using Starling, Workling with Ruby on Rails
For the project we are working on for Teachers Without Borders we need a reliable asynchronous way to process tasks. There are a myriad of ways to do this and if you aren’t careful you’ll spend weeks second guessing yourself while investigate every possible option. Not that I would know that from experience. We chose…
Tip for Testing Email with Ruby on Rails and Shoulda
Shoulda comes with a great method for testing email called ‘assert_sent_email’. (If you try it and get a method missing error update Shoulda. Not that anyone wouldn’t know to just do that). No matter what you use to test email as long as you are in test mode your emails will be placed into an…

Rode Stoddard Creek Friday (A few Fridays ago)
These days I only manage to ride motorcycles with my dad, brother and brother-in-law about once a year. This time we made our way to Stoddard Creek. Its about 60 miles north of my parents house. Very few people can find Idaho on a map which is fine with me. Because of that fact there…
Last Alfred William Ball Family Reunion – 57 Years
For 57 years the Ball family has held an annual reunion. This year was the last. Alfred William Ball was my great grandfather. This many years later the family has gotten so large that I don’t really know/recognize anyone. For that very reason I was very careful who I dated in high school and I…
Time can suck. Ten minutes worth of programming is nothing. It will pass so quickly that you get nothing done. Ten minutes at the dentist which is where I am this very second passes so slowly that you feel like you are spending a eternity in the seventh level of hell.