Dinner last night included a chat with Niklas Zennstrom who stated that the eBay aquisition was a perfect fit. This is inspite of everyone in the world saying huh? Jack Ma’s China eBay has social features built in that let users chat. I wonder if this addition to Skype is eBays response.
Tag: Web2.0
Don Tapscott – wikinomics
Wikinomics – new book. How mass collaboration changes everything. “After the dot com boom many traditional companies breathed a sign of relief. Big mistake.” After the bubble comes the long term deployment and the long term change. Web 1.0 was about html. Web 2.0 is about integration and the web is a computational platform. Web…
Bob Parsons – Godaddy
Failed high school got a diploma because the army wanted him to go to Vietnam. Be careful who you listen to. They started their filing to go public then pulled it a week later. It costs 3 million dollars. Parsons called this the “Tuition for the education of Bob.” People love the convenience and speed…
Jonathan Miller
I didn’t get much out of this chat from AOL other than a new acronym – UGC – user generated content. The big buzz at this conference seems to be around that very thing – finding ways to get your users to generate content. Build the right tools and they will come and do stuff.
Jeff Bezos
This morning I ate breakfast with Shawna O’Reilly from Mayo Clinic Ventures and the product manager of Web Sphere. This conference is a lot of fun. Jeff Bezos is up now. Here are some Amazon stats: 61 million accounts, 10 billion in sales, seven countries, 1.1 million active seller accounts, 10 million square feet in…
Dr Hyun-Oh Yoo Cyworld
Korean social site. Combination of popular internet activities – blogs, photo, video sharing. Here are some statistics: 20 million subscribers 40% of population 96% of 20-29 year olds use regularly 20 billion page views per month They are coming to the Unites States. It will be interesting to see if Cyworld is successful. Their design…
The Evenings Entertainment
I hear that at past Web 2.0 conferences dinner on the second night was left to the attendees. This year AOL provided dinner and entertainment in the form of Lou Reed. I like music but I must admit that I had no idea who this guy was until I looked him up and found that…
Whose Data is It?
Marc Hedlund, Chief Product Officer, Wesabe mentioned a couple of sites with openness in mind. He talked about the fact that many of the map companies purchase that data from other companies. Thus, the need for open data repositories. Here are a few that he talked about: Openmapconent.org wikipedia www.wesabe.com openip.info Stewart Butterfield, General Manager,…
web 2.0 conference day one
I am attending the Web 2.0 conference this week. There is an interesting combination of people here and I must admit that I feel like a foreigner as I am part of an academic group. The current session I am in is titled “The Next Internet Infrastructure.” I expected something about servers and bandwidth which…
web 2.0 conference – internet
The free internet is sponsered by AOL – the hotel charges money. Problem is that it sucks. I just lost my last post because WordPress died while trying to connect. For those putting on conferences, please include enough access points.