My daughters are in kindergarten this year. Today we got our first call from their teacher. Apparently, Aubrey pinched someone. Callie said that Aubrey realized when her teacher called and ran and hid under the bed. I guess she had to ‘pull a card’ at school which is a lot like being sentenced to 15…
Tag: School
Summary of questions for Wiley’s course
Since I do try to share here is the list of questions for Wiley’s 7150 course: The Definition Debate Should only things that are digital be counted as learning objects, or should a variety of other things be included, like people, places, and events? How important is the potential reusability of material in determining whether…
I have changed
Once upon a time I thought that computers would be the ones to organize information, assemble it into instruction and present it in a customized format to a learner. It is a cool dream. Years ago, while I was still in that mode, I took a learning objects course from David Wiley. It was one…
Learning is more about assembling raw materials than about objects
I have been pondering Wiley’s ideas concerning learning objects and context. In the mean time I have also been reading some of Dumbing Us Down by John Gatto. In order for learning object to be reused some effort must be made to remove the context from learning objects. Gatto’s criticizis the move to remove learning…
Because I have to say something about learning objects.
My last post was an excuse for this post which will probably suck (don’t all of my posts suck?). I have been reading Wiley’s ideas about learning objects. This is motivated by the fact that in order to get a grade I have to read and then I am supposed to build some bit of…
Whose objects are these?
I have been reading through more of Dave Wiley’s learning objects text book so that I can claim to be doing something vaguely academic. I’ll write more about learning objects and how I don’t think they are all that useful in a bit, but in the mean time my brain is off on another tangent. …
Sleep is critical for learning
I knew I wasn’t just a lazy butt. Sleep is critical for learning and for productivity. Next time I am late for work just keep in mind that I am working towards being more productive.