I spent two years in Japan. While there I met all kinds of interesting people. I remember one individual in particular because he was a chess grand master. He was also very good at Shogi. In fact he had written Shogi the video game for Nintendo. I like chess and so we played a game….
Tag: Ruby On Rails
More Ruby Conference
We missed the first talk this morning (sorry Devlin we suck). I slept till 9:30, but mainly because we were up till 4am. Dave South gave me some great info on using TestSpec. RSpec seems to be the hot thing right now, but I like how TestSpec is lightweight: Install the gem: sudo gem install…
Using Amazon’s Web Services from Ruby – Jonathan Younger
Right Scale has a great gem: gem install right_aws RightScale RightAws::Sqs RightScale RightAws::Ec2 They will automatically retry errors for you. gem install kato Kato – EC2 Pool Manager require ‘rubygems’ requrie ‘right_aws’ RightAws::RightAWSParser.xml_lib = ‘libxml’ SQS = RightAws::Sqs.new(access_id, access_key) #get an SQS object queue = SQS.queue(“name_of_queue”) #create a or get a reference to an existing…
Mountain West Ruby Conference
I’m at the Mountain West Ruby Conference for the next few days so I will be doing a bunch of blog posts that look like notes. Up right now: Strengthening the Ruby Ecosystem & Ezra Zygmuntowicz Evan Phoenix Evan is talking about Rubinius. Engine Yard pays him to work on the project full time. Even…
Plugin Loading for Ruby on Rails has Changed.
I am tired of recreating the login system for Rails for each new project so using the RESTful Rails Authentication Tutorial I created a template project that I can use to create new projects. While adding in the OpenID Authentication component I started getting this error: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:376:in `new_constants_in’: You have a nil object when you…
Big Companies Using Ruby on Rails
I am frequently asked how reliable/scalable is Ruby on Rails? I usually tell people about Twitteror more recently point them to this article about the Friend’s For Sale Facebook application. The answer is, yes Rails scales just fine. The trick is getting your database to scale. Anyway, Obie Fernandez, a major name in the Rails…
Ruby fs-api
I am in the Ruby-fs API presentation now. Funding for the library came from USFamilyTree.com. It is REST based. Data model is: Person Person has many Assertions Assertion has one Contributor, Citation(not yet implemented), Note Each person has a lot of data associated with them so you don’t want to be parsing xml data on…
secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call
My code was running fine under Rails 2.0.2. Then I enabled the db based session store by uncommenting this: config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store </pre> in environment.rb. Anything that used the session after that gave me this error: No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own…
OER Code Sprint
We are at the end of the second day of the OER code sprint. This has been a great time feels quite a bit different than the higher level OER meetings I have attended. The first few hours of the first day were spent chatting, but after that I think that quite a bit of…
Professionals and The Enterprise
Professionals and the enterprise Under threat of divorce if I didn’t hang my Christmas lights this past Christmas I braved the elements and managed to put them on the trees. Of course this wasn’t sufficient to prevent the impending separation – only lights on the top eves of the house would be a sufficient sacrifice…