It’s January. That means a couple of things: I’ll be forgetting to write the correct year for several weeks. I’m older so the forgetting will probably last for more than several weeks. It’ll probably be 3 months before I’ll be outside on a road bike. I have 3 months to ride my fat bike. I…
Tag: friends
What I Got for Christmas This Year
We’re home from my parents which in a way marks the end of the Christmas celebration for us. Although, I am pushing for a return of the Twelve days of Christmas which doesn’t end until January 5. Here’s what I got for Christmas this year: A chance to play Santa Claus with the most beautiful…
Farewell COSL
For sometime now I have known that my time at COSL was running out. I wasn’t sure exactly when it would expire, but last Friday basically became my last day. I know that there have been various issues surrounding the center, but think what you may it would be hard to find a gathering of…
Free Book
Marion is a brilliant funny author. He sits next to me every day so I know that for a fact. I mean a guy that looks like this has to be a great author: Marion has written a couple of books – Chickens In the Headlights and Bullies in the Headlights. His latest book is…
My Wife the Blog Stalker
I stay up very late writing code sometimes. There are weeks when I go to bed at 2 or 3 am. Actually, it isn’t so much go to bed as pass out. My wife is great and supportive. She frequently stays up late with me. When you are up late and your husband is ignoring…
The Spawn of Satan
My wife’s best friend moved to Kentucky a number of years ago because she married a guy from back there. We lamented that they were so far away because they were fun to hang out with and because of the distance we rarely saw them. Then they moved back out to the great state of…