This is a mainly a list of links to notes that others took and a few of my own notes from Ember Conf. Some Great Write Ups: What’s coming in ember in 2014 (Not Ember Conf, but very helpful) Brian Cardarella – “Ember Conf picks up where the Rails community left off” Conference summary by…
Tag: Ember.js
Ember Conf 2014 Wrap Up
Ember.js’ strength as a framework is second only to its power as a community. Over the past two days at Ember Conf I’ve had a chance to interact with some of the top minds in the Javascript world who are shaping the future of the web. Brian Cardarella did an excellent job summarizing the mood…
Ember.js Lessons Learned So Far
Ember.js Lessons Learned and Stuff Justin Ball / @jbasdf Justin Ball CTO Atomic Jolt Consultant, Rubyist, Javascriptist, Cyclist, Maker, Entrepreneur Purveyor of Buzzwords What is Ember.js? A framework for creating ambitious web applications. Client-side MVC Framework Open Source – Github Pulse Single page apps are sexy Ember.js makes it easy* * Easy is exclusive of…
Open Assessments Code Sprint with OERPub, MIT and Lumen
I’ve been spending a lot more hours driving back and forth between Salt Lake City and Logan lately than I normally like. Today was spent integrating Open Assessments with OERPub. Soon you’ll be able to author an open text book via OER Pub, add an assessment via Open Assessments and embed objective’s via MIT’s MC3…
Ember Textfield ignores arrow keys. How to monitor key events in your textfield
Ember provides a text field view that makes generating text input fields pretty simple. What’s really cool is with the simple addition of onEvent=”keyPress” and action=”my_function” you can monitor changes to the field as the user types. It looks something like this: (On a side note you can also just add an observer to your…
Using Chosen with Ember.js
Harvest’s Chosen select control is handy for cleaning up unwieldy or horribly long select boxes. It’s a nice little bit of UI sugar that can help make your users happier and we all like happy users right?. Ember.js is now our Javascript framework of choice but it doesn’t always play well with other libraries and…
Generate Ember.js models using your Rails Schema
I love Ember.js. I hate typing and I especially hate typing code that a machine could build. I got really tired of reading a Rails schema to build new Ember.js models so I create a rake task for it. I make no guarantees that this code will work for you or that it won’t delete…
Help with Ember.js
So you’ve discovered the most awesome front end javascript framework ever or at least that’s what the cool kids are saying. Now you want so help. Besides StackOverflow here are a few resources that might be helpful: The Ember API docs. Bootstrap for Ember Demo (The code) There’s also: Ember Bootstrap (The code) Ember video…
Don’t miss the ‘.’ – Computed Property that depends on Ember.ArrayController contents
My fun/stupid ember mistake of the day. I even put together a jsbin to help track down the problem. It’s a tiny problem that is hard to spot. Right there at the very end there’s a property declared like this: property(‘selectedContacts.@each’) </pre> It wasn’t always that way. Once there was this: property(‘selectedContacts@each’) </pre> The difference…
Passing a value to ember.js view from handlebars template
This is one of those things that should be easy and it’s probably obvious to most people but it threw me for a while. I wanted to pass a value into my ember.js view at the moment that I declare the view. It’s a static value, just a css class name, so it doesn’t need…