I am attending the Web 2.0 conference this week. There is an interesting combination of people here and I must admit that I feel like a foreigner as I am part of an academic group. The current session I am in is titled “The Next Internet Infrastructure.” I expected something about servers and bandwidth which…
Category: web2con2006
web 2.0 conference – internet
The free internet is sponsered by AOL – the hotel charges money. Problem is that it sucks. I just lost my last post because WordPress died while trying to connect. For those putting on conferences, please include enough access points.
Launch Pad
The launch is going on right now. Every seat is full, and the unlucky late comers are all standing. I guess everyone is interested in the next big thing. Some interesting companies are coming up. Here is the list with addresses: Inthechair.com – let’s learners interact with musicians online when the practice. Users can contribute…