I don’t like AOL, but this $1,595.69 bill ensures that I will never use them.
Author: Justin
Thankful for Memory Today
On the way into work I was listening to ‘The Infinite Mind’ on NPR. It was a story about Caris Corfman an actress who lost her short term memory after surgery to remove a brain tumor. Her situation reminded me of the movie 50 first dates. At the time I saw the movie I had…
More From Jenna
More from Jenna. I walk past her room the other night and I hear, “I like Aubrey and I like Alyssa and I like Jenna, but I don’t like mommy or daddy. They are mean to me.”
Jenna talks herself to sleep
Two nights ago I walk past Jenna’s room. She is in there chatting up a storm. It is around 11pm and I hear, “I am not tired. Someone who is not tired is someone who is not asleep.” She is funny.
My daughters are funny
I went to a meeting at MIT with Wiley last week. When I am gone I make a point to call my wife every night because I miss her. She tells me that while eating dinner my youngest daughter (2 years) Jeann points to Alyssa (4 years) and says, “*| head.” My wife is of…
Kids can keep you up at night
Alyssa and Aubrey have slept really well ever since they were about 6 months old which is good since they are twins and if they had not slept well they would have kept each other awake and that could have been bad for us. Jenna on the other hand is now two and still doesn’t…
So ya I am like busy
I haven’t posted a lot lately. A lot of people with blogs say that and they suck because of it so I guess I suck too. Instead of being a radical nut job I am moving back into being a developer nut job. In addition to working on eduCommons at work I have been focusing…
Merry Christmas to All
Have a Merry Christmas. My kids learned to read today (the 24th actually. I am just up really late, again) – at least they started down the right path. It’s not due to any effort on our part. They were in the tub and started sounding out the foam letters on the shower surround. Callie…
Cool Magnets that can break your arm
These magnets would make an awesome Christmas present. Just be careful.
Impressive Lego Art
How about Escher’s “Relativity” in LEGO