There is an article on KSL indicating that USA Olympic cycling might move to Ogden (Utah). Again on Velo news. Given the strong community of cyclists in Utah and the fact that I love cycling this would be awesome. I know what I will be praying for for the next month.
Author: Justin
An MRI is Like a Rock Concert
I had my first chance to lay inside a claustrophobic MRI machine today so that I could celebrate Halloween in style with an authentic skeleton costume. The good news is that I am not dying or anything, and I now know what a gazillion watts of electricity buzzing around my head sounds like. The process…
The Spawn of Satan
My wife’s best friend moved to Kentucky a number of years ago because she married a guy from back there. We lamented that they were so far away because they were fun to hang out with and because of the distance we rarely saw them. Then they moved back out to the great state of…
No I Won’t Fix Your @!#$!@#$ Computer
I am a software engineer. That means a lot of things. It means I can write code. It means I can talk about servers and argue about what programming languages are best (Check out PPH for the standard measure for programming languages.) It means I can build a cool website or write scripts that help…
Facebook as an Authentication System
I have been playing with OpenID for about a year now. It is a very cool, distributed authentication system. The concept is great and I love that I don’t have to create accounts everywhere. Instead, I just log in with OpenID and away I go. The biggest shortcoming for OpenID from a user perspective however…
Have 51weeks feedback?
This morning at the Open Education 2007 conference David Wiley announced our new conference application 51weeks. I wrote the code so if you have any feedback or run into problems feel free to post comments here and we’ll get right on it.
How to manage 60,000 digital photos
QUICK UPDATE: If you want reliable backups for you photos check out my post on using S3. A friend of mine was surprised that I don’t have a Flickr account. I am try to keep up with the cool kids and keep accounts on many of the so called web 2.0 services. So why don’t…
Edge Rails, OpenID and the Dreaded Sorry, the OpenID verification failed” error
We use Edge Rails in our projects. Call me stupid if you like, I like living on the edge (get it?). This desire to push our luck has bitten us a couple of times, but not in any serious way. Not until recently anyway. We use OpenID – another brand new cool technology. The combination…
Flickr as Web 2.0, bla, The Soviets were like Nuke 2.0 way back in the 70s
I watched Dr Strangelove late at night a couple of weeks ago. It is dark humor and a movie in classical Kubrick style. The irony in the movie has so much to teach modern society. In a sick twist of fiction meeting fact we have to learn to love the bomb all over again. There…
Why the medical industry sucks
There is no doubt in my mind that the practitioners in the world of medicine really want to help. At least all the doctors and nurses I have run into have been kind and helpful. However, as I sit here tonight I have 7 probes attached to my body and they itch like hell. On…