Instead of a snake this guy had a branch flip up and go through his leg. The pictures are gruesome enough to make me want to hurl and make my accident look like a little scratch. Click only if you have a strong constitution.
Author: Justin
It’s Your Head Not Your Butt That Matters
I’ve been writing code all day, again. Luckily I enjoy writing software. There are moments when I and the computer don’t get along. On those days I consider becoming a garbage man or maybe a bulldozer driver. Just keep me off the bull dozer on the days I don’t agree with my code. Anyway I’ve…
Marginal Improvements Make People Happy
I saw a recent post on Slashdot that got my attention – What Google Engineers do for Fun: Computerized Lego Art Project. I have to admit I am a total Lego nut so whenever I see Lego in the headline I have to read the article. Justin Voskuhl spent his weekend writing an application that…
New Apple Laptops – I’m so Excited
I’ve been wanting to buy a Macbook pro for a while now. I hate to be yet another one of those Apple nuts but I have been waiting for Oct 14 ever since the rumor came out that Apple would be announcing new laptops on that date. Since they hadn’t said anything I was getting…
ERROR: While executing gem (ArgumentError) Illformed requirement
I like to use to deploy my applications because of its simplicity. The other nice thing is that they give you free developer space so if you are just getting an application up and running or just need to show it to a client you can do so without having to pay a bunch of…
Using Shoulda to test login – should_require_login
I’ve had my problems with shoulda, but one very powerful component of the testing framework is the ability to create macros. Here’s one that checks to make sure a user has to be logged in to access an action. Put it into test/shoulda_macros/authentication.rb. (You can name the file anything you want I just thought authentication.rb…
Amazon S3, Jungle Disk and the new way to backup
Not long ago I wrote a rather unflattering review of Mozy. I feel bad in a way because I still believe that the concept is good. I haven’t played with the software recently but I am guessing that my voice was loud enough to influence significant change. I am fine with that. There are a…
Trek Project One Launched?
Now that my current bike is a few months old my attention turns once again to bike adultery. I keep reading that the new Project One site is up, but when I visit the site I still get the old system. Perhaps they are keeping me from expensive sin?
Luvfoo – Open Source Ruby on Rails Social Network Platform
For lack of a better place to put this right now I am posting the roadmap for the Ruby on Rails social network we are building here. There has been quite a lot of interest in the project and quite a bit of willingness to contribute for which I am grateful. There are some features…

Why Cyclists Shave Their Legs. The Most Disgusting Post I Will Ever Make
It’s now a bit more than two weeks since I had an unfortunate incident with a serpent. While the leg is actually healing quite nicely I the joy of bending my knee has become a distant memory and a luxury I look forward to each day. The antibiotics I am forced to continue leave my…