Back in the day I was impressed by EngineYard but couldn’t afford to use them. Now I can’t afford to not use them. I use them for several projects. We have the full 3 slice stack setup with one project – 2 production and 1 staging database. The service they provide is like going to…
Author: Justin
Conversations With Devin
Today my two year old had this conversation with my wife: Devin: I want juice. Callie: How about milk. Devin: How about juice. Callie: How about milk. Devin: How about juice. Callie: How about milk. Devin: How about I ask dad.
Dude, it’s 420
Today is 4/20. That is significant for two reasons. One is that it is my parent’s wedding anniversary. My dad likes to get license plates with significant numbers. For years the plate on our van was 11111. Later it was 1701 (any Star Trek fans recognize that number?). When my parents got a new car…

First ride up Black Smith Fork canyon this season
The weather in Cache Valley finally improved and so I thought I better take advantage of the situation and ride. After last years run in with a rattle snake I told myself and my wife that I wouldn’t ride up there alone. My first ride, I couldn’t find anyone to go with. How smart am…
Rails 2.3, Nested forms and wrong constant name User[billingAttributes])
I found a chance to try out the new nested forms in a project I’ve been working on for a long time. (I actually tried them out a long time ago in Edge Rails, but then got burned when they pulled the functionality back out). Everything looked like it would go well until I got…
Aunt Dawn
I’ve been a pallbearer a number of times over the years. It’s an honor that I doubt very many people love since it means someone close to you has passed away. A week ago my Aunt Dawn was driving back from Arco. In a tragic bit of bad luck a freak snow storm made the…
Count is broken in Rails 2.3.2
After upgrading to Rails 2.3.2 I started getting this error: Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘*) It turns out that the ‘count’ method is broken for ‘has_many through association collection with named scope’. Here’s…
First ride of the season
I finally managed to get out and ride today. That is significant because it’s the first time I’ve been outside on a bike since August 22, 2008 – the day I ran over a rattlesnake and trashed my knee. So yea for me. Originally, I wasn’t going to go out and ride. I was going…
Twitter – The New Borg
I’m not a twitter power user but people frequently ask me what it is and why would I use it. I used to tell them it was a ‘micro-blogging’ service. Of course that explanation assumes that the person asking the question knows what a blog is and why they would need a smaller version of…
FamilySearch conference
I’m at the FamilySearch conference today. Right now Phil Windely is talking about open data and the related technical formats – REST, Json, RDF, and Microformats. I think this is good information for this crowd since sharing data is key to genealogy research. For years the methods of sharing data and integrating systems has been…