I don’t have to work a lot with SQL Server these days, but this evening I noticed that the maintenance tasks on one of my servers was not running. I went to the command line to run the task and got ‘SQL2005 or higher is required for sp_expressmaint’. Turns out there is a bug in…
Author: Justin
Virtual Host Configuration for WordPress on my Mac
I mainly post this so I don’t forget, but someone else might find it useful. I always forget how to configuration the virtual host on my local Apache so that WordPress will run right. (I don’t like to use MAMP – don’t ask why). Note that ‘jbasdf’ is my username. Use your username in place…
Shoulda used RSpec
I’ve been updating the muck gems to work with Rails 3. The change is significant and painful but in a good way. For the most part the change consists of deleting all the code you used to hack into the Rails framework and adding subclass of ‘::Rails::Engine’. I’ll try to put together a detailed post…
Uploadify onComplete Wouldn’t Fire Until I Swore – A Lot
I’ve been trying to get Uploadify to work inside my <a href=”http://github.com/jbasdf/uploader”Uploadify>uploader gem</a>. Things went pretty well until I combined that with the muck-contents gem and tried to do multiple file uploads from within a plugin I’d written for the TinyMCE editor. At that point things got ugly. If you do much research on Uploadify…
Cycling is for Old Guys
I rode out to Porcupine this morning. I spent the first half the ride cussing at my Polar CS600 since it ‘couldn’t find the sensors’ and the screen kept going out. You’d think that changing a battery wouldn’t be such a dramatic experience. I went out to Porcupine dam which is a great morning ride…
Why Do We Eat This Crap?
There’s an article on the front page of KSL today that examines why we crave the stuff that’s bad for us. Most people feel that they are overweight because they eat to much and that’s true, but to much is hard to judge anymore. If you talk to most people they will tell you the…
Polar CS600 Error 169
I have a Polar CS600 that I use to monitor my rides. I love it except for when it comes time to change the battery. This seemingly simple exercise is much harder than it should be. I’ve attempted to change the battery a number of times. It’s an odd CR2354 button cell that is hard…
I Spent My Day With Hot, Young Girls
Well, at the first of the day they were cold young girls then we went to Bear Lake and it was pretty hot. My wife is girl’s camp director which means she gets to spend 6 months planning for a week long event. She is really good at what she does and it always goes…
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Got error 139 from storage engine
I ran into a ‘fun’ error with an application I’ve been working on. Everything was running fine and then one day hoptoad started filling up with exceptions like this: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Got error 139 from storage engine I hate errors like that. Lucky for me there’s Google: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?22,63584,166521#msg-166521 http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=10035 Turns out that each row in…
jQuery Ajax requests are ‘html’ not ‘js’
I like jQuery. I use it in all my Rails projects these days. One thing I’ve struggled with for the longest time is that for some reason all my jQuery ajax requests come through as html not as js. I thought adding something like this to application.js would fix the problem: // In application.js jQuery.ajaxSetup({…