It snowed 4 inches today in Logan and the wind is bad enough that the Salt Lake Airport is closed. Meanwhile, it’s mid 70s on Oahu. Hate me. I’m going to hate me when we have to go back. I’m not sure why I don’t live here. We visited the Dole Plantation. You can purchase…
Author: Justin
jQuery ajax request yields statusText: No Transport
If you write code you hate Internet Explorer. You get everything just right in Chrome, Firefox, Safari – any other browser really and then everything falls apart in Internet Explorer. We use CORS in some of the work with do at Open Tapestry. It works really well for letting the client figure out which service…
Hack the LGLV5500 into a PVR
I’ve had this TV for a while. Turns out that accessing the services menu isn’t to terribly hard if you have a programmable remote. (In my case a Logitech Harmony). The TV supports DVR functionality if you add a USB Hard drive and turn it on in the service menu. Warning: you can brick your…
jurlp and Internet Explorer 8
For those who don’t write code the choice to use Internet Explorer probably hasn’t been influenced by much more than the fact that it’s sitting on the desktop ready to use. For those of us who do write code we hate you. We use jurlp in quite a bit of our code because it’s a…
Install RVM on Mac OSX Mountain Lion
I recently moved over to a new Macbook Pro which is awesome but like every other time I’ve switched computers there’s some serious pain. This time around various changes from Apple including the removal of the command line tools from XCode has Ruby Version Manager (RVM) a bit more difficult to use. If you aren’t…

Logan Canyon Bridger Lookout
Took the cyclocross bike up the canyon this evening. It’s a great bike and climbs really well. However, the steeper descents in the drops lead me to be a more prayerful man. I originally intended to just ride the River Trails, but I couldn’t resist the climb up to Bridger Lookout. Colors were spectacular.

Providence Canyon
More pictures from yesterday. This time from Providence Canyon and the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. The Forest Service is putting in a new road which means the top section of the trail was bulldozed. Still it makes for a great ride. The last image is a a view of Cache Valley from the Bonneville Shoreline trail….

One more – Logan Canyon Nature Trail
Can’t resist more pictures. This time I hiked the upper portion of the Natural Trail towards Guinavah-Malibu Campground. Bikes aren’t allow which is really to bad. It’s an awesome trail.

Blacksmith Fork Canyon
I’m at risk of becoming a total cycling tourist but Strava be damned I couldn’t resist stopping do a few pictures up Blacksmith Fork Canyon.

Logan River Trail
Took the cyclocross bike up Logan Canyon this afternoon. I don’t usually stop to take pictures but today I couldn’t resist. The colors are spectacular: