I just manged to get the kids in bed. It’s 9:00pm. I started at 6:30. I’m sitting here watching the rain letting my brain idle for a few moments until I get back into write code. It’s a bit odd that its raining given that it is January. Over the Christmas break we received treacherous…
Tag: weather
Weather Control
I am not sure if this is cool or totally freaky, but the Chinese have figured out how to kind of control the weather so that it doesn’t rain on the Olympics this summer. All this time I thought it was the Japanese Mafia that was controlling the weather.
who knew?
I grew up in Idaho. It is a great place, really. There are LOTs of places to visit where for and entire day you can wander through the wilderness and not see another soul. It is great. Then there are those who have spent to much time wandering around by themselves. Here is the scoop…