I’m not the first one to make the move from WordPress to Jekyll. While I have been a proponent of WordPress in the past I finally grew tired of writing my posts in a tiny little box. I grew tired of a slow website (arguably that’s Bluehost’s fault not WordPress). WordPress has all kinds of…
Tag: Software Development
Requisite Moved From WordPress to Jekyll Post
I’m not the first one to make the move from WordPress to Jekyll. While I have been a proponent of WordPress in the past I finally grew tired of writing my posts in a tiny little box. I grew tired of a slow website (arguably that’s Bluehost’s fault not WordPress). WordPress has all kinds of…
Requisite Moved From WordPress to Jekyll Post
I’m not the first one to make the move from WordPress to Jekyll. While I have been a proponent of WordPress in the past I finally grew tired of writing my posts in a tiny little box. I grew tired of a slow website (arguably that’s Bluehost’s fault not WordPress). WordPress has all kinds of…