In the cosmic scheme of things life is little more than a blip between birth and death. Luckily for us as a species the blips are coming online faster than they are fading out. However, it is terrifying when the universe conspires to silence all the blips at once. The death is aimed at us.
Tag: Science
The Master Simulator Made Me do it
Robots evolve good and evil attributes. Interesting.
Soda Is Really Bad for You
I don’t drink very much soda. It isn’t healthy and I would rather eat the calories in the form of chocolate. Occasionally, I do drink a bit, but after reading about how the sodium benzoate in soda destroys the mitoconhdria in your cells, and may “lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such…
I haven’t been riding in about a month which really sucks because I am gaining back weight. The trainer is almost setup though – have to make space in the basement – so I hope to be back on the bike soon. In the mean time I have been thinking about diet and about ever…
Everything you didn’t want to know
Lists are as web 2.0 as social networking sites. Here’s my contribution. An interesting list about death. Something fun for Labor Day weekend. Enjoy.
Cool Magnets that can break your arm
These magnets would make an awesome Christmas present. Just be careful.