One of the most difficult tasks when putting up a new site is picking the right host. Moving hosts later on is terribly difficult so choosing the correct hosting company is as important as selecting a business partner. I’ve collected about 30 hosting companies in my delicious bookmarks. Some are specific to a platform others…
Tag: ruby_on_rails
rFacebook and redirect_to
I have been working with rFacebook to try to get a Facebook application up and running. Right now we are trying to integrate our conference application – with Facebook so that our users can take advantage of existing social networks instead of having to create yet another network at he conference they are attending….
Quick Note About rFacebook, Edge Rails, and Sessions.
This problem may not be specific to rFacebook, but when I added acts_as_facebook_user to my user model and then made a call like: my_user.first_name </pre> I would get an 500 internal server error. I checked the log and saw this: CGI::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow I found that if I changed the app so that it uses db sessions…