You’ve just finished version one of your most excellent, million dollar application. You’ve built it the right way. All of your application’ strings live in the en.yml file neatly tucked into the locales directory patiently waiting for the day when you hit it big, go international and hire a expensive fancy firm to translate your…
Tag: Ruby On Rails – User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values
So you’ve worked hard to integrate your website with and now you’re ready to turn it on and make the big bucks. You run your first real transaction and get: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values. code=”E00007″ or This account has not been given the permission(s) required for this request. or E00007…
CMS Lite Gem
A pretty common problem when developing a Rails application or any web application for that matter is how to deal with content. I’ve often run into situations where the content development team is familiar with html and can produce reasonable content markup. Since you are going to go to all the effort and spend all…
Rails 2.3, Nested forms and wrong constant name User[billingAttributes])
I found a chance to try out the new nested forms in a project I’ve been working on for a long time. (I actually tried them out a long time ago in Edge Rails, but then got burned when they pulled the functionality back out). Everything looked like it would go well until I got…
Count is broken in Rails 2.3.2
After upgrading to Rails 2.3.2 I started getting this error: Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘*) It turns out that the ‘count’ method is broken for ‘has_many through association collection with named scope’. Here’s…
Mountain West Ruby Conference
I’ve been to a good number of conferences over the years. A lot of them cost a lot of money. If you are a geek and a ruby lover (who isn’t?) then the best event you’ll ever attend is the Mountain West Ruby conference. The schedule is up. It’s only a hundred bucks and the…
Customizing the email sent by PasswordRecovery in ASP.Net
I spend most of my time working with Ruby on Rails these days. However, I still do .Net programming mainly for Our password recovery system has been a bit flaky lately so I decided it was time to review the code and get it into polished condition. I found out that I was redirecting…
Quick Tip for working with Paypal and ActiveMerchant in your Rails Application
Working with Paypal can be a bit difficult not because of the code required, but rather because their website can be a hassle to navigation. I already have ActiveMerchant integrated into my application. My problem was figuring out how to change it from Braintree to Paypal. Here are the quick steps for getting going. Sign…
Hierarchies, trees, jQuery, Prototype, and acts_as_nested_set
‘single_message’ should normally be set to false. I added it in just in case I needed to render a single message for an ajax call. If you aren’t rendering an entire tree and thus have only one node then passing ‘single_message = true’ will force the method to call the database to get the level…
Shoulda Craps out on Rails 2.2.2
I tried the latest shoulda on luvfoo a while back and it died on the internationalization stuff so we gave up. Turns out that with the new internationalization in Rails 2.2.2 shoulda is dying again. I know the code is free and shoulda really is a great project, but I think this shows why you…