Listening to DHH right now. Play DHH buzzword bingo here. He started out talking about the growth of the community and making fun of a job post requesting a Rails programmer with at least 3 years of Rails experience. (That is longer than he has been on Rails and he invented it.) Now we…
Tag: Ruby On Rails
Rails Conf Intro from Chad Fowler and Some Stuff from the Mountain West Ruby Conference
Chad Fowler is talking right now. I think he works on giving keynotes that leave you scratching your head a bit. His keynote at the Mountain West Ruby conference had mixed reviews. We left wondering what his intent was, but we weren’t sure if it was just our perception. Last night we had a chance…
Building Community-focused Apps with Rails Dan Benjamin
Sitting in the community app presentation right now. I was torn between this and the clean code presentation, but since we are building community apps this presentation seemed to be the most appropriate. Here’s the first slide: Fast prototyping Prototype becomes product Help Developers and Designers work together. I am hoping it gets better and…
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Adam Keys
This session is totally packed. We managed to sneak in. The door guys don’t like that much. If there is a fire we will all die. Adam Keys is funny and entertaining “If you want to learn from the masters you have to read their code.” Read code because “you’re surrounded by idiots.” When you…
Rails Conference Day One
We flew into Portland last night so that we would be ready bright and early this morning. I hate waking up at 6:30 am to go to a conference. We are programmers when will they realize that the conference should start at 11 and then run late into the night. Maybe even start at 3…
Rails Day One – Rails Routing
Sitting in a session by David Black. He is talking about routing in Rails. It is starting out pretty basic, but I am hoping that it will end up covering the more complex issues as time goes on. We are going over named routes now. This is actually a very good tutorial, but it is…
Something Scrumdidilyumptious
Just short of a year ago I hacked together a project that we loving called I and Wiley managed to finish it at about 2 in the morning in a hotel in NY during the Mellon meeting. (I actually worked on it during the meeting which resulted in terrible embarsement when my system speaker…
Ruby made me fatter so I had to do something
For years I have relied soley on typing to keep me in shape. Most of the frameworks I have used managed to help me keep the pounds off. They required plenty of code and my fingers were left in great condition. Then I found Ruby on Rails and the pounds started to come on. I… is fun again
I finally worked through most of the challenges I was faced with and I like again. It is interesting to program in several environments. I do a lot of Ruby on Rails these days and I love it. However, I have other applications that are written in ASP.Net. I have written quite a bit…
Not because I want to
For a long time now I have been trying to figure out how to update The Plan Collection to an open source platform. I find myself updating it to ASP.Net instead. ASP.Net is ok to work with. I think Ruby on Rails is better. By better I mean simplier. ASP.Net has more stuff. It comes…