Ember.js’ strength as a framework is second only to its power as a community. Over the past two days at Ember Conf I’ve had a chance to interact with some of the top minds in the Javascript world who are shaping the future of the web. Brian Cardarella did an excellent job summarizing the mood…
Tag: Programming
ActiveRecord has_many through multiple models
More than a few times now I’ve run into a situation where I really need to be able to relate one object to another through multiple tables – basically use ‘has_many’ twice. Here’s an example set of objects where a user can have many products but to get to the products you have to first…
Bringing the Web Back to the Blind with Ryan Florence
Ryan Florence presenting “Bringing the Web Back to the Blind”. Probably the biggest accessiblity resource on the web: webaim.org. Accessiblity Accessiblity is more than just alt tags. You still want alt tags but there’s more. Use your headers for organization of content rather than for visual display. It helps blind users navigation through the content…
Refactoring and Making Promises
After spending the last year writing Ember.js code I’ve realized one really big thing – Ember is about promises. I recently had a chance to refactor some code with a number of asynchrounous calls. The original logic used timers and polling to monitor the state of a bunch of recursive calls to the Google API…
Firefox, Vimeo and Froogaloop Have a Little Problem
On one of our latest projects we’re integrating with Vimeo. They provide a great Video player API that makes it pretty simple to interact with videos. Vimeo even provides the Froogaloop library that wraps up all the communication between the iframe where the video lives and your page. What We Need The requirement was to…
Open Assessments Code Sprint with OERPub, MIT and Lumen
I’ve been spending a lot more hours driving back and forth between Salt Lake City and Logan lately than I normally like. Today was spent integrating Open Assessments with OERPub. Soon you’ll be able to author an open text book via OER Pub, add an assessment via Open Assessments and embed objective’s via MIT’s MC3…
Session timeout for your Ember application
We ran into an issue with sessions timing out while users were doing client side stuff with an Ember application we’re building. Once the session timed out they could no longer make authenticated requests of course and all ajax calls would fail. Here’s a couple of bits of code that might be helpful. First capture…
Using Chosen with Ember.js
Harvest’s Chosen select control is handy for cleaning up unwieldy or horribly long select boxes. It’s a nice little bit of UI sugar that can help make your users happier and we all like happy users right?. Ember.js is now our Javascript framework of choice but it doesn’t always play well with other libraries and…
jqXHR Returning Readystate 0 and Status 0?
I’ve seen this error a couple of times and I always forget what causes it so for my own sanity I post it here. If you make an Ajax request and the response comes back with: statusText: “error” status: 0 readyState: 0 then you likely have one of two problems: 1. You are making a…
Font Awesome (or any other webfont in production)
If you are using Twitter Bootstrap then it’s likely you’re also using Font Awesome. If not you need to check it out. We ran into a problem after deploying to production that we didn’t observe in development – namely that none of the Font Awesome icons would show up under Firefox. Turns you you need…