Tech jobs seem to be rare in Logan so I always love to see local companies succeed. AdventCreative has a tech position open and is looking for a couple of people to help out with consulting. If anyone is interested in any of these positions just visit AdventCreative’s website or leave a note in the…
Tag: logan

Weather in Logan Not Conducive to New Bike
My new bike shows up today so what happens? This is Logan, Utah so it snows of course.
Cache Valley
The Desert News is saying what we already know. Cache Valley is a great place to live. Of course the numbers don’t tell the actual story. This is a great place to live because it has a small town feel, the biking is awesome and people are friendly. The schools are great and you feel…
Logan Cycling Psychopaths
# I like to ride, but I won’t be joining these guys. I must be getting old since riding in the middle of the night in the cold doesn’t seem especially appealing. I’ll stick to the trainer in front of the computer.
For the People Who Don’t Live Here
My deepest sympathy goes out to all those who don’t make their home in Logan Utah. There are few places that offer as much in the way of the outdoors as here. This past weekend we spent out time at Bear Lake about an hour away. It is a rather large body of water which…
Logan Canyon
I have never ridden Logan Canyon. I was always to worried about traffic. We tried it today. It is a fun ride. The road follows the river up the canyon and there are plenty of trees that provide brief moments of shade. The ride up hurt a little bit, but on several sections we managed…