I have some code that looks like this: user.google.portable_contacts.all </pre> As long as user.google is a valid token provided by oauth you will get back a list of the user’s contacts from gmail. That is unless you have the Fireeagle gem included in your application. In that case you will spend the night swearing like…
Tag: gems
Gems on an EngineYard Solo instance
I started running into a few issues on an Engineyard Solo instance with my muck gems. Basically, muck consists of a lot of Rails engines packaged as gems for reusability. When we release a new app we also need to release new versions of the gems since that’s where most of guts of the lives….
gems:unpack for gems that don’t unpack
I couldn’t figure out why my gems wouldn’t unpack until I ran across this: http://metaclass.org/2009/4/13/rake-gems-unpack. My gems have rake tasks and I have to include them in the app’s rakefile to make them available so Rails won’t unpack them. I did this instead: def muck_gems [‘cms-lite’, ‘disguise’, ‘uploader’, ‘muck-solr’, ‘muck-raker’, ‘muck-engine’, ‘muck-users’, ‘muck-activities’, ‘muck-comments’, ‘muck-profiles’,…
Rubyforge and no configured for
I’ve been using jeweler to setup a new gem. I followed the instructions provided, but started getting “ configured for “ when I tried to do release my gem with “rake rubyforge:release”. It turns out that the rubyforge gem doesn’t quite configure everything for you. I added the following to ~/.rubyforge/autoconfig.yml and it started working:…
jeweler and the empty gemspec
I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why my gemspec for a new gem had no files in it. I’m using jeweler to build the gem and it’s worked great in the past. Then I read in the docs that jeweler will include any files in the gemspec that are not in .gitignore…
New Uploader Gem
I just pushed out a new uploader gem. Get the new code from github or install the gem with sudo gem install uploader. This comes with a few more translations and a fix for a nasty bug. The format was not properly set for uploads via swfupload. Unfortunately, even without the format it worked on…
Testing Rails Engine Gems
I’ve been working on a number of gems that are basically packaged Ruby on Rails engine plugins. It turns out that turning gems into plugins is pretty easy to do. However, testing them can be a pain. Here are a few things I came up with. After looking at how Clearance handles tests I’ve decided…
I’ve been using newgem to build Babelphish (translation helper thing). The docs from the ruby forge site are a bit out of date. If you use newgem to build anything be sure to look at this post from Dr Nic and pay attention to the options you can pass in. In particular I noticed that…
ERROR: While executing gem (ArgumentError) Illformed requirement
I like to use to deploy my applications because of its simplicity. The other nice thing is that they give you free developer space so if you are just getting an application up and running or just need to show it to a client you can do so without having to pay a bunch of…
Install Native MySQL Gem – Edge Rails Stopped Including It
I decided to try out the latest edge Rails and I started getting this error: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. /!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Mon Jul 28 22:58:38 -0600 2008 Status: 500 Internal Server Error dlopen(/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/mysql.bundle, 9): Library not…