One more post on Amazon Wishlist code. As another follow up to my post on Amazon Wishlist RSS, Ruby and Signing/Authenticating your Requests and the site I built to run the code My Amazon Feeds (post here) I’ve created a gem to contain all the code. Get it by running sudo gem install river </pre>…
Tag: gem
Disguise your Rails Application
I spent quite a while trying to figure out how to theme my Ruby on Rails applications. Turns out after you build a piece of software people want to use it to do other stuff. Go figure. I really like how simple it is to skin a WordPress site so I stole borrowed some ideas….
Ruby gems and “Couldn’t get release_id, upload failed?”
I’ve been experimenting with Ruby gems over the past few weeks. I use a couple of other gems to make the process easier including rubyforge, jeweler and newgem. Jeweler has a rake task ‘rubyforge:release’ that uploads your gem for you. The problem was that it would timeout and give me “Couldn’t get release_id, upload failed?”….
Babelphish – yml Translation Made Simple
You’ve just finished version one of your most excellent, million dollar application. You’ve built it the right way. All of your application’ strings live in the en.yml file neatly tucked into the locales directory patiently waiting for the day when you hit it big, go international and hire a expensive fancy firm to translate your…
CMS Lite Gem
A pretty common problem when developing a Rails application or any web application for that matter is how to deal with content. I’ve often run into situations where the content development team is familiar with html and can produce reasonable content markup. Since you are going to go to all the effort and spend all…