We’ve had the privilege of working with Instructure for many years building LTI tools and integrating with the Canvas API. Atomic Jolt has been a Canvas Alliance Partner for a number of years which means that we work closely with development teams at Instructure, build cool products to enhance Canvas and we go to Instructure’s…
Tag: canvas
Canvas install error
If you get an error that looks like this when you try to setup Instructure Canvas: API Documentation successfully generated in public/doc/api See public/doc/api/index.html –> Finished: ‘Generate documentation [yardoc]’ in 57.496207991000006 –> Compiling React JSX finished in 46.748775163999994 rake aborted! Undumpable Exception — #<EOFError: end of file reached> /Users/jbasdf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/parallel-1.4.1/lib/parallel.rb:63:in `work’ /Users/jbasdf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/parallel-1.4.1/lib/parallel.rb:280:in `block (4 levels) in…
Course Setup Using Google Docs and the Canvas API
From my presentation at InstructureCon 2015: About us We’re Atomic Jolt. We build cool stuff. We built some of the very first Canvas integrations using LTI and the Canvas API. We’ve been doing this as long as Canvas has been around. Anything you want Canvas to do that it doesn’t already do we’ll make it…