I am one of the owner’s of ThePlanCollection.com an online home plan publisher. When you write all the code that powers a site like that you become very familiar with the product. This is one of my favorite house plans of all time. It’s not huge, but it isn’t small either. I think the style…
SWFUpload – the Best File Upload Utility for Any Platform
Uploading a file to a website is a pain. Uploading lots of files to a website makes the UN list of known methods of torture. At tonight’s ruby group meeting Dave South showed off SWFUpload. This has to be one of the best uses of Flash ever. Now to upload 50 files you just browse,…
Trek Project One Delayed
During the winter I become a little less obsessed with bikes. The fact that the only place I have to ride is in my office on my trainer while it is 19 degrees outside doesn’t help. In spite of the winter cycling duldrums I have been looking forward to January 1 for a long time…
The Inflector Module – Another Reason to Love Rails
I love how when you need something in Rails the solution is usually already in place. For instance in the indulgenc.es application I have the need to create a rank with 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. In most frameworks you would have to write this functionality yourself or if you are very lucky you might find…
Do We Need Help With Elections
Perhaps it is time for the UN to monitor our elections.
My second Facebook application is up. I and Marion built something to help you and your friends enjoy the lighter side of life. Try out Indulgences.
Government 2.0
I really and truly heard the term Government 2.0 on the radio this morning. I shuddered and it wasn’t from the cold. However, I listened to the broadcast anyway despite my disgust at hearing that our government was now being tagged with version labels. (Shouldn’t we be on something more like government 232.0 or something…
Top Selling Stuff on Amazon Brings Tears
I am always looking for a deal so I keep trying to find one on Amazon Grocery. The problem is that you can waste a lot of time trying to find something you would really buy. So I try the top sellers page: http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/grocery/ref=sv_gro_1/104-6217951-1925564 Notice the top sellers are baby items, coffee and diet pills…
Google Base and Windows Pain
So I have been trying to figure out Google Base for the last week so that I can send all the house plans from The Plan Collection into the Google product feed. Getting your products into their feed isn’t that hard, but being a programmer and a masochist (they are the same thing you know)…

Facebook 50 Years From Now
I didn’t build this and I don’t know where it came from but a friend sent it and it made me laugh: Update: Here’s the original from StraightFromMyBrain.com