In a lot of my posts I said that I would link to the presentation. All the presentations can be found here: My favorites from the current list are: Building Community-focused Apps with Rails Scaling a Rails Application from the Bottom Up
Category: RailsConf07
Rails Conf after thoughts
Now that I am home and have managed to sleep a bit I have been thinking about my overall experience at Railsconf 2007. Overall it was great. It was fun to meet so many people working in Rails. The community is filled with friendly individuals who are willing to share everything they know or just…
The Rails Way Jamis Buck, Michael Koziarski
Don’t forget to look at The Rails Way blog. Move logic into your model. This lets you break functionality into more granular components and makes testing easier. Keep your controllers skinny. Jamis blogged about this principle here. Use before filters to setup state before your controller runs. Use before_create in your models. ActiveSupport helps you…
Solr on Rails Erik Hatcher
Ferret is fast. He has moved around and the documentation is a bit sparse. Solr was created by people at CNET, used by Internet Archive, Krugle, Revolution Health, his projects: Collext, Blacklight. Findability – serendipity is great. You should be able to browse and discover stuff you didn’t intend to. Read Ambient Findability Lucene is…
Bad Food
I have eaten a lot of bad food over the past few days which is too bad given that Portland has good restaurants. The main source of bad food is the Rails conference. A WORD TO CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS: Stale pastry and coffee do not count as breakfast. Lunch is not much better. It is so…
Practical Design for Developers David Verba
Practical Design for Developers David Verba Another standing room only session. Perhaps the organizers will wise up and have at least on larger room next year for the sessions that are very popular. We are going over the basics of audience analysis – understand your users: Context Motivations Challenges Know your stakeholders – anyone that…
Taking Care of Rails Support Tasks Through Custom Daemons Tammer Saleh
Saleh is talking about using a Daemon to get rails to talk to LDAP. The code for the LDAP deamon and the code to make it look like a model live here. I will add a bit of code here and there, but hopefully the presenter will upload the slides so I don’t have to…
Rails Conf Day One Impressions
I ended up with a major migraine yesterday towards the end of David Black’s talk so I didn’t get a chance to finish up the post. Don’t worry I probably won’t. My overall impression of the pre conference tutorials was that they were aimed at beginning users. If you have background in any of the…
Rails Conf DHH keynote
Listening to DHH right now. Play DHH buzzword bingo here. He started out talking about the growth of the community and making fun of a job post requesting a Rails programmer with at least 3 years of Rails experience. (That is longer than he has been on Rails and he invented it.) Now we…
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Adam Keys
This session is totally packed. We managed to sneak in. The door guys don’t like that much. If there is a fire we will all die. Adam Keys is funny and entertaining “If you want to learn from the masters you have to read their code.” Read code because “you’re surrounded by idiots.” When you…