With the Cache Maker club we’re always looking for ways to make it easier for kids to interact with hardware. Traditionally, interacting with hardware meant learning assembly or if you picked the right platform you could write embedded C. Today things are different. With Arduino we have an open source hardware platform with libraries in…
Category: Mountain West Javascript
Pete Hunt – Be predictable, not correct.
Mountain West Javascript starts today. Peter Hunt, Facebook developer and contributor to reactjs.org is first up presenting “Be predictable, not correct.” Here’s my notes: Even better: Notes on Hackpad Key Value Observation (KVO) This is the pattern that Ember.js implements. Idea is to bind data to elements in the DOM. The problem is that we…
Bringing the Web Back to the Blind with Ryan Florence
Ryan Florence presenting “Bringing the Web Back to the Blind”. Probably the biggest accessiblity resource on the web: webaim.org. Accessiblity Accessiblity is more than just alt tags. You still want alt tags but there’s more. Use your headers for organization of content rather than for visual display. It helps blind users navigation through the content…
Vector Programming and Reactive Javascript
The Functional Part Don’t describe how to process the data using a loop instead have your code state what you want to happen. Use functional concepts to build nice observable streams: Map: transform one collection into another. Filter: filter one collection into a smaller collection. Reduce: take a collection and reduce it into a single…