ElixirConf 2017 is another playlist that will take a while to work through but is totally worth the time. These conference playlists are a great way to keep tabs on the direction the community is taking. Cryptography Your browser does not support iframes.
Category: learning

Thinking in Ecto
An Ecto presentation from ElixirConf 2017 that’s worth watching a couple of times: ElixirConf 2017 – Thinking In Ecto from Darin Wilson Your browser does not support iframes.

GraphQL Radio
Found GraphQL Radio on YouTube today. There’s not a lot of code but the presenters are all contributors in to core GraphQL projects an so their insights are helpful in understanding the direction of GraphQL Ep 10 – Schema stitching & more w/ Jason Lengstorf Your browser does not support iframes. Jason Lengstorf gave the…

A random cluster of GraphQL videos that I found interesting today. Adam Kramer – Managing Massive Schemas with Codegen Your browser does not support iframes. Adam Kramer, Software Engineer at Facebook, gave this talk at GraphQL Summit 2017. Learn more: summit.graphql.com At Facebook, our GraphQL schema has over 10… Sashko Stubailo – The GraphQL Stack…

Serverside with GraphQL
Mostly Elixir but one Node.js presentation on handling GraphQL on the server. ElixirConf 2017 – Live APIs with GraphQL Subscriptions – Bruce Williams and Ben Wilson Your browser does not support iframes. LiveStreaming, building my new tutorial with Phoenix-Elixir, Graphql & React-Native Your browser does not support iframes. If you want some help tonight we…

Random GraphQL
I went through a bunch of videos today on my graphql refresher journey. Half the videos deal with graphql and ruby and the other are from a series that uses graphql with meteor. I’m finding Apollo client 2.0 particularly interesting. GraphQL in Ruby introduction Your browser does not support iframes. Introduction to GraphQL implementation in…

I was trying to find a good resource for understanding the mathematics behind cryptography and came across Christof Paar’s cryptography series on YouTube. This is the best set of lectures on understanding the fundamentals of cryptography that I’ve found. It’s 24 hours of video spread across a semester of classes so it will take a…

WordPress Plugins
Talk to most developers about PHP and you’ll get an eye roll and a moan. It’s not the favorite language among the popular developer crowd but with 28% of the world’s websites running on WordPress knowing a little bit of PHP might not be a bad idea. I spend some time today understanding WordPress plugins:…

GraphQL Apollo
After debating whether to use Relay or Apollo for the past year Apollo Client 2.0 is looking like our GraphQL client of choice. The new Apollo link state means all of our client state can be managed with a single library. Here’s a couple of great intro videos to the new client. GraphQL + Apollo…

A Pretty Good Introduction to Pretty Good Privacy Your browser does not support iframes. What’s PGP, and what can we do with it? George walks us through creating and uploading a key, encrypting and signing emails, git commits, and files, and introduces the web of trust.