Some good GraphQL talks from GraphQL Summit 2017 Michael Fix – graphql on the Edge: A shield for your app Your browser does not support iframes. Michael Fix, Software Engineer at Intuit, gave this talk at GraphQL Summit 2017. Learn more: One of the most important features of GraphQL… Jon Wong – Supercharge Your…
Author: Justin

GraphQL and the React Router.
Some help with protecting your graphql queries and mutations. Protected Routes, Mutations, and Queries with React Router and GraphQL Your browser does not support iframes. Learn how to protect your routes on the frontend with React Router. Then on your backend, you can protect your GraphQL mutations and queries. You can setup fine grained permissions…

CSS Animations Crash Course.
Needed to learn a bit about CSS animations. This is a decent way to do it. CSS3 Animation & Transitions Crash Course Your browser does not support iframes. This is a beginner friendly crash course on CSS animation using keyframes as well as CSS transitions. We will do a little experimenting and we will build…

Relay or Apollo
For some time I’ve waffled back and forth on whether to choose Relay Modern or Apollo. I think the answer is still “it depends”, but here are a couple of videos that will help in making a choice. Gerard Sans: Relay Modern or Apollo? — ReactNext 2017 Your browser does not support iframes. New project…

Control DMX Lights With Audio Midi
How to control DMX Lights with Audio and MIDI In a different life where I’m cooler and have better hair I would be a DJ. I’m not cool and I don’t have much hair, but I do love playing around with lights and music. Here’s a demo of how to control your DMX lights using…

Cancun Mexico
Three weeks ago we finished booking a last minute trip to Cancun and Playa Del Carmen. Two weeks ago there was shooting at a night club in Play Del Carmen. Then there was an attack on a police station in Cancun involving grenades. The next day I sent an email to Delta checking on the…
OER in the LMS via LTI
Resources from my presentation at Open Ed 2016: LTI Lambda function: LTI Starter App: Open Assessments: Open Assessments Client: React Client Starter App: WordPress as an LTI consumer WordPress as an LTI provider Example LTI configuration <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns=”″ xmlns:blti=”″ xmlns:lticm=”″ xmlns:lticp=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=”…
Docker for Mac debugging
The Problem: While trying to setup Docker for Mac I kept getting the following error anytime I tried to spin up a Docker image: Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon. You might need to start Docker for Mac. All the fixes said do this: eval “docker-machine env default” I tried but kept getting Host does not…
Canvas install error
If you get an error that looks like this when you try to setup Instructure Canvas: API Documentation successfully generated in public/doc/api See public/doc/api/index.html –> Finished: ‘Generate documentation [yardoc]’ in 57.496207991000006 –> Compiling React JSX finished in 46.748775163999994 rake aborted! Undumpable Exception — #<EOFError: end of file reached> /Users/jbasdf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/parallel-1.4.1/lib/parallel.rb:63:in `work’ /Users/jbasdf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/parallel-1.4.1/lib/parallel.rb:280:in `block (4 levels) in…

Maker Faire
After a week with the Google tech elite today was a day dedicated to fun, curiosity and fascination. Callie brought Devin down Yesterday so we could spend today experiencing the inventions of the Bay Area’s eccentric, creative, technology minds. I’m not sure how to describe Maker Faire. There are vendors selling everything from small CNC…