I have been reading through more of Dave Wiley’s learning objects text book so that I can claim to be doing something vaguely academic. I’ll write more about learning objects and how I don’t think they are all that useful in a bit, but in the mean time my brain is off on another tangent. …
Author: Justin
Because I have to say something about learning objects.
My last post was an excuse for this post which will probably suck (don’t all of my posts suck?). I have been reading Wiley’s ideas about learning objects. This is motivated by the fact that in order to get a grade I have to read and then I am supposed to build some bit of…
Sleep is critical for learning
I knew I wasn’t just a lazy butt. Sleep is critical for learning and for productivity. Next time I am late for work just keep in mind that I am working towards being more productive.
WOW, The Internet Archive
One of the most impressive presentations giving at the Instructional Technology conference was not attended by nearly enough people. Stewart Cheifet explained in detail the mission of the Internet Archive, the resources available and the technology used. The infrastructure blew my mind. For an engineer it was like every Christmas from childhood crammed into one…
Sustaining Open Content
The Instructional Technology conference has been great thus far. I usually measure great based on the food. We at at Hamilton’s last night. Great food. Great conference. There is still more to come so I am sure things will get better. Sustainability – how do we keep paying for this stuff – is a reaccuring…
Well you’re a genius
I like to listen to NPR on the way in to work. This morning they ran a piece discussing what is Genius. It was especially interesting since it the commentator pointed out that genius is not merely a factor of IQ. Marilyn vos Savant holds the record for the highest IQ, 228. However, the commentator…
study what you like cause it will come back to haunt you.
One frequent conversation amongst engineers entails the bragging of how hard their undergrad education was. This is usually measured by two factors: How poorly the class performed overall How late one stayed in the computer labs. My dad always told me that your educational experience would reflect the job environment in the real world. It’s…
who knew?
I grew up in Idaho. It is a great place, really. There are LOTs of places to visit where for and entire day you can wander through the wilderness and not see another soul. It is great. Then there are those who have spent to much time wandering around by themselves. Here is the scoop…
Learn this, no this, no this
I have been a programmer for a few years. During that time I went from “Bill Gates is the antiChrist” to Microsoft isn’t so bad to I just don’t care give me money. Programmers are prostitutes. Give us money and we do what you want. I love python, but I admit to be a closet…
This will kill me
So I am eating fried stuff from the local deli. I think my tongue is going numb. I am sure this stuff will kill me, but dangit I only paid $2.50 for lunch. Funny how economics governs our lives.