I finally worked through most of the challenges I was faced with and I like asp.net again. It is interesting to program in several environments. I do a lot of Ruby on Rails these days and I love it. However, I have other applications that are written in ASP.Net. I have written quite a bit…
Author: Justin
I should be writing more but I bought and xbox 360. Stupid thing. I and my wife played Zuma till 1 am last night. I wish fun stuff wasn’t so addicting. I have the audio hooked into my reciever with 6.1 surround. It is something to hear. I promise myself to write more code soon…
The Plan Collection
I have spent the past few weeks working on two projects. One is brand new and very exciting – houseplans.info. I developed that site in Ruby on Rails and it uses mysql on the backend. That project took me about four weeks working a few hours in the evenings. It is a joy to work…
Not because I want to
For a long time now I have been trying to figure out how to update The Plan Collection to an open source platform. I find myself updating it to ASP.Net instead. ASP.Net is ok to work with. I think Ruby on Rails is better. By better I mean simplier. ASP.Net has more stuff. It comes…
I hate RadRails
As per my last post I am loving Ruby on Rails. The biggest drawback to the framwork is my quest to find the right editor. I have actually been using Dreamweaver when I write code on Windows. It makes me feel like a lesser programmer for some reason, but it works great. There is a…
Joining the Rails bandwagon
I have worked in numerous roles as a programmer. My lot has been everything from low level USB firmware to Visual Test to ASP and then ASP.Net. Years ago, when I first saw ASP.Net I thought that I had found the best web framework in the world. I am working on a PhD (here and…
I get tired after I eat
Now I know why. I knew that it was logical to sleep after lunch.
Things that go boom
When I was a boy scout ( a long time ago) someone tried to heat a can of beany weenies in the fire. In the infinite wisdom of a 13 year old they didn’t crack the lid. One explosion and a rain of beanie weenies later we were all ok. At another camp someone threw…
Engineers are almost perfect but not quite.
Engineers are almost perfect. No really. When we are successful you get a pat on the back. When you fail you kill people. Here are some of the worst mistakes.
Lego Volvo
I thought I liked to play with Legos, but this is awesome.