Dinner last night included a chat with Niklas Zennstrom who stated that the eBay aquisition was a perfect fit. This is inspite of everyone in the world saying huh? Jack Ma’s China eBay has social features built in that let users chat. I wonder if this addition to Skype is eBays response.
Author: Justin
Enterprise 2.0 Mashups Marc Benioff
Long term survivors move from being a killer app to a killer platform. Integrate external applications and service into you business application. For example, use iRows spreadsheet to show spreadsheets. No need to write your own. Integrate Google maps to show locations of products or services. Integrate skype into your address book to show who…
Meet Ning — Marc Andreessen , Gina Bianchini
Empower people to create their own social sites. I played with the beta a while back and it seemed to be decent. I believe you can download your source code from their hosted service and deploy it elsewhere. They are showing that it lets you store your own pictures, video, do your own blog, etc….
Vinton G. Cerf and Robert Pepper net neutrality debate
Robert Pepper – Net neutrality is a dichotomous false choice – tyranny vs chaos. It is not necessary to create a regulation regime, but we need a to deal with violations on a case by case basis. For example, a small phone company was blocking the ports needed by Vonage. FCC told them to stop….
Jeff Jonas Cops and Robbers Las Vegas Style
Helped track down the MIT teams in Las Vegas. Corporate amnesia. Ie marketing sends credit card offer to a guy in jail who just defrauded the company. Companies have multiple database systems that need to coordinate. Data and queries are the same thing. Queries persist and you ask every smart question (query) all the time….
Bob Parsons – Godaddy
Failed high school got a diploma because the army wanted him to go to Vietnam. Be careful who you listen to. They started their filing to go public then pulled it a week later. It costs 3 million dollars. Parsons called this the “Tuition for the education of Bob.” People love the convenience and speed…
Don Tapscott – wikinomics
Wikinomics – new book. How mass collaboration changes everything. “After the dot com boom many traditional companies breathed a sign of relief. Big mistake.” After the bubble comes the long term deployment and the long term change. Web 1.0 was about html. Web 2.0 is about integration and the web is a computational platform. Web…
Yahoo opens browser authentication
You can use Yahoo to authenticate your users if you want. http://developer.yahoo.com/auth/ This might be worth looking at. 500 million people have accounts at Yahoo. Numbers tend to overwhelm standards so this might be something to look at alongside OpenID, Sxip, Shibboleth etc
Bruce Chizen
“We don’t view ajax or html documents as competition.” Adobe has been open from day one. PostScript and PDF were open from day one, but we have to make sure to not be so open that we don’t have a viable business model. Worked with Mozilla to open source the actionscript virtual machine. They want…
An interesting company
Yesterday Vox.com announced they are open for busines. This is an interesting company to me because it is similar to ozmorz. If you listen to thier story and then to ours they sound like the same thing. A closer examination makes me think that we are still different. However, the fact that John Battelle called…